The Red Pill is a Prescription, not a Pill

It's not a pill you take once, not a one time sidebar read where you just suddenly get everything.

The red pill is a recurring prescription. No matter how much you read the side bar you're always going to get red-pilled again. It's going to be some girl, a hoe at the bar, your female boss at work, your sister, a random stranger, the woman you've been with for 10 years.

You're always going to get another dose of red pill no matter what you think you know.

Don't get complacent or lazy. The second, third, fourth, nth dose of red pill you'll get will always go down more bitterly the more complacent you get

Stay humble out there, be your best self, don't get too arrogant about thinking you know what you know, because you don't know. And every time you know some more there will still be more for you to know.

The Red Pill is a Prescription, not a one-dose pill. Don't ever forget that