Is it just me? When I look at the youtube shorts, one of the videos is going to be some fat girl in very tight clothes and she just walks up and down for about 5 seconds on a loop, to the sound of 'Unstoppable' by Sia. The title will be 'this woman looks AMAZING!' It's clearly some body positivity Instagram 'model' that thinks 'accepting her true self' and 'knowing her worth' is somehow a profession. WTF is going on with modern women? Since when was being obese, squeezing yourself into a skin tight romper and teetering around on very high shoes some sort of accomplishment?

I'm actually not fatist, like I'm not having a go at fat women. I get that there are fat women and thin women, and everyone is a human being. But why are I being served up content that seems to suggest that being obese is some sort of achievement that needs to be applauded?