So, you go through all of this training, and this journey through the side bar, No More Mr Nice Guy etc, and you make it a point to go through the always DARE never DEER bit, and all of this.

So basically, where you wanted to just go and Keanu Reeves it and be nice to people, you're now essentially carving out your entire personality to make sure that you try to make some cool deflection, smirk, amused mastery etc like the alpha male who literally yells louder than someone who yelled for a joke to make sure he's always the most extreme person in the room. And why? Oh ya know. To get some. Cuz women work via these stupid rules (not saying they don't). But basically instead of having your personality, you copy-pasted one to get laid. Which is what Whitney Houston would have called...the greatest beta move of all.

Lay it on me. Let's see Paul Allen's card.