This is for all you saps with boring lives who need some entertainment.

The carousel ride has officially ended and blossomed into "True Love".

My wife(43, 6 kids) has been exclusive with her new beau(34) for 8 days now, and they have found a love so noble and so pure that it's nearly impossible to describe without referencing soliloquies from the Princess Bride.

He loves her truly, completely, and selflessly from the core of his being with no malice or guile in a way that she has never been loved before. It is as if they have always loved each other. Eight days ago, she feared he was a psycho that would murder her because of his emotional problems... but now that fear has passed. As far as she is concerned everything that is hers, is also his and everything that is his belongs to her. She has already devoted herself to spending the rest of her life with this man in a love that transcends property, marriage, or any other pitfalls that life may throw.

Although my wife used to be an insatiable nympho. She has now found a love where sex isn't important. It's an elevated… higher love that does not revolve around base human urges. In the month or so that the they've been hanging out, she smashed a whole bunch of other guys, but she's only smashed him once (maybe twice as of last night.) Sex isn't important to them because it’s the not foundation of their magical love. From the third-hand descriptions of him playing with his own ass while he masturbates with her scrunchy, it sounds like he wants her to peg him. She doesn't seem very excited about this prospect, but I'm sure she'll adjust.

At first she was concerned about the horrible looks she'd receive when they are out together, but she no longer cares. While he almost looks 30 in some pictures… his mannerisms which include loud exclamations of "fo' real fo' real", constantly bursting into tears, and other childlike behavior tend to get him pegged as a teenager. In fact, when they met, she was bartending and carded him because he looked too young to drink. Most of this is likely because he has been consuming copious quantities of marijuana since age 14, and has achieved a permanent state of arrested development.

He is, however, a diamond in the rough… someone she can shape and mold into the man she wants him to become… someone who just needs a little love and help to achieve his true potential. He's not completely stunted. While he lives with his parents, there were six months of his life where he didn't. He is a successful small-business owner that earns a great living doing remodeling… but he doesn't have a bank account… and frequently loses his wallet… and most days his job plays out with him digging ditches or hammering fence posts for his dad.

Since their commitment to one another 8 days ago, at her demand, he has completely quit smoking pot (a 20 year habit). She took him clothes shopping to dress him in new clothes like a paper doll, because all of his clothes were dirty and ripped, and she didn't trust him to buy a new track suit on his own. They spend almost every evening together in sexless, wholesome, bliss... just being together. Yet despite their numerous dates and their sharing of all things in common and plans to move in together, he has never yet purchased her dinner or drinks.

Two nights ago… tragedy struck, and he revealed to her his deepest darkest secret. He's dying. After a recent car accident, an MRI revealed that decades of pot has left his body riddled with benign tumors that might kill him in as little as 20 years. After a night of sobbing, she urged him to tell his parents, who didn't give a shit. He was completely broken. Slowly coming to terms with the fact that their love will be cut short, she resolved herself to making the most of the time that they have left.

She has taken 30K of our money and purchased a trailer for the back of our property. There in her 29ft trailer, she intends to spend the rest of her days with this boy, as she molds him into the man she wants him to become. She is very particular about her decorations… her clean floors… her clothes… her storage… etc. I am sure that he will perfectly obey her in their new living arrangement as they hunker down for winter in a field of mud, and he comes home each day in his ditch digging clothes to sprawl over their bedroom/bathroom with 8 square feet of walkable floor space.

I'll keep you updated on the future bliss and happiness of these tragically star-crossed lovers.