I think I am just posting here to vent, to own my actions, and maybe take my mind of things.

I have a fiancé and a 6 week old baby. I had a nice 23 year old plate while I am 33.

My game was nice for 3 months. However, after my son was born l have been fucking up for a while. I would leave this girl on read and she would double text me until I responded.

Anyways, I wanted to break it off, but for some reason this plate kept avoiding me, which made me like her more. As in not returning my calls, kind of wanted me to be her texting buddy, going to the clubs while I was home, and her online tag being on for awhile meaning she was talking on the phone with someone else. She did give me signals but I was scared of being rejected.

Anyways, I cared too much. I became a drunk captain, and the worst part is that I started to treat her like a princess instead of a slut even after sending me near naked pictures. My fear of losing her brought me here.

I think she moved on and I am trying to move on as well with my integrity. I didn’t turn full beta mode but I have to leave her alone since I would be in her frame if I push one more time. I caught feelings. The ball is in my court and last time we spoke was last Thursday. I could hit her up next week but with these feelings she would just eat me alive.

This is basically what happened according to the Art of Seduction:

“ Often, one person becomes disenchanted but lacks the courage to make the break. Instead, he or she withdraws inside. As an absence, this psychological step back may inadvertently reignite the other person's desire, and a frustrating cycle begins of pursuit and retreat. Everything unravels, slowly. Once you feel disenchanted and know it is over, end it quickly, without apology. That would only insult the other per- son. A quick separation is often easier to get over—it is as if you had a problem being faithful, as opposed to your feeling that the seduced was no longer being desirable.”