I'm 32, dating a girl who is 27. She's told me about her past sexual relationships, a couple of which were one-night stands, and I all but ignored them. I responded slightly amused, and moved on. I didn't ask questions. I really don't care. I only care about what she does for me here and now, and this girl gives me what I want. I see this as following Roissy's rule 15: Maintain State Control. "You will not be manipulated by...jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests..." But as I read Rollo Tomassi's literature, I keep seeing an idea in hypergamy that a woman expects a Beta to "willingly ignore...her past Alpha Fucks indiscretions." And that Beta men "believe he’s to be more lauded for ‘forgiving’ a woman’s past, irrespective of whether he can expect praise for looking past her misgivings."

Am I doing the right thing by just blowing past these "story-time shit tests?" Am I forgoing an aspect of self-respect that I have a right to? I like my girls to be mid-20's, and these days there's no way in hell they'll still be virgins.