This isn't really a question or anything just something that became clear to me the other night. Now obviously I've always known that chicks care about height but the first time I went clubbing with my 6"4 (maybe 6"5) friend, the amount of attention he got was insane. He's an average looking guy, not in great shape, quiet (not tryna roast the guy just trying to paint an accurate picture?), and girls were coming up to him constantly for no reason just because he towered over everyone. At one point 3 chicks came out of nowhere and all started talking to him. Now I'm not even short, I'm about 6'0 (6'1 in shoes) but I felt literally invisible around him it's like he was just attracting all the attention simply by being tall. Anyway I know there's no point complaining about shit you can't change etc. Just wanted to share this experience with yall. Gotta keep on focusing on just improving myself