Hey guys I've read the book "The Rational Male" for the second time now. It opened my eyes about so many things because as a teenager I understood absolutely NOTHING about women. My first kiss, my first girlfriend and my first sex was when i was 18, but it was kind of a one time thing and then nothing for months because I still sucked with women.

Now I am 22, no girlfriends but I can definitly tell that I am way more attractive to women than before, thanks to the red pill. Ive noticed women desire me and give me hints that kind of says "i want to fuck you", making me way more confident than before and therefore attracting even more women.

So yeah that is great. But the thing is I dont have sex. Simply because after noticing a woman wants to fuck me and desire me I just dont know what to do. This weekend I was at a party, and there was one girl that me and some other guy were into. The girl wanted ME, but I didn't knew what to do and the other guy, who probably doesnt know anything about the red pill got her because I know him since he was a child and he always had that thing with women, so all this experience gave him the girl.

I am so grateful about the red pill, its like the first step for me but once I know that a girl likes me there is no book that explains what to do. I was so used to beeing rejected by women that now that then desire me I still am scared of making that first step men are supposed to do.