So 2 years ago i met this amazing girl while playing CS:GO in an internet cafe.

Small town girl, petite, extremely hot, heart of gold and extremely kind. But with minor daddy issues and she is extremely sensitive and emotional. He kinda bailed on her when she was around 12 and later her mother got cancer. She has anxiety attacks sometimes and can cry for hours.

She is 26 and im 31, she is talking about building a family and that sticking together no matter what is prio for her. Even if one is not in "love" one should stick together for the family's sake she says.

Problem for me is that im not sure i can build a family with her. She is so sensitive. How can i build a family with someone that has anxiety and can cry for hours and hours? I have clearly not been honest about this with her. Instead i started texting to random girls and she found out. She thinks i fucked these girls which i didn't but she thinks that.

She kinda said that she is ready to forgive me if im ready to change. But what future do we have? A dramatic one probably?

Should i explain myself? Not for the sake of getting back together but rather to ease her mind. I still care about her and love her. I know how much damage i have done to her and she is gonna feel like shit for a long time. I know im a pussy for not just breaking up with her or not texting other girls. Huge mistake on my part.

Or should i just let her go and go no contact or explain myself?

Edit: I did actually cheat on her physically...