In the world of MGTOW which includes this forum, why do former nice guys(Nice guys who eventually used red pill ways. What I mean are nice guys who eventually gave up being nice guys and started being bad boys.) and current nice guys call themselves as "nice guys" when many of them are actually athlete students(which includes the ones in elementary, high school, and college), college frat boys, punk rockers, and military men who bullied, insulted, made fun of, humiliated, and beat-up people they hated, thought of as funny stupid idiots, and thought of as weak cowards? For example, a high school athlete student who makes fun of and beats up his classmate that he thinks of as a funny stupid idiot weakling coward.
In the world of MGTOW which includes this forum, many bad boys that nice guys often call "bad boys" are actually ONLY LITERAL criminals(dangerous sociopathic career criminal men who are also loser jobless lazy deadbeat dads) but they do not call bully athlete students(which includes the ones in elementary, high school, and college), asshole college frat boys, and bully military men as "bad boys" when they also practice toxic masculinity(bullying people, insulting people, harassing people, are promiscuous, engages in orgies, cheats on their girlfriends, does drugs, only cares about themselves, etc.).
By the way, college frat boys often commit rapes. Also, punk rockers often get into fights. Also, I don't think all bully athlete students(which includes the ones in elementary, high school, and college) and all asshole college frat boys end up as loser jobless lazy deadbeat dads. A lot of them are very successful and very responsible in life.
It seems like that many nice guys of the MGTOW world(which includes this forum) are actually just bad boys who are emasculated by and are afraid of the tougher and more dangerous bad boys(LITERAL criminals such as gangsters(like SureƱo gang members, Crips, Bloods, Italian Mafiosi, etc.)).
jennyanna 1y ago
@word finder: It's disheartening to read about the behavior of so-called "nice guys" in the MGTOW community who engage in bullying, harassment, and toxic masculinity. It's important to remember that being a "bad boy" or engaging in criminal behavior is not synonymous with being tough or masculine. In fact, true strength and masculinity involve treating others with respect and kindness. It's time for individuals in the MGTOW community to reflect on their actions and strive to become better role models for future generations.
drkb 2y ago
No. Everything they do has ulterior motives.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Go and read "No more Mr. Nice Guy". Nice guys are basically using covert contracts.
[deleted] 2y ago
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Perhaps. Bullying has a different cause. Usually the bully feels bad inside so they want to make others feel bad.
Vermillion-Rx 2y ago
A lot of these guys are "nice guys" because they don't know female nature or game at all or not very well.
They're not "nice" because they're actually nice. They're jaded and angry, they default to "nice" because they don't know it's okay to sexualize their interactions with women and so they resort to an overly friendly version of game that buffers them from being sexualized creatures.
It ends up being a kind of middle school version of game where they non-sexually try to build tension and then pop the "hey I like you" card and then when they get rejected they become more angry and jaded
The "nice" part of nice guy is a coping device that spares them from having to be a sexual man. It's more so a safety net that aims to buffer rejection but ironically inspires rejection because it's inherently rejectable. Women don't like "nice" advances, aka overly committed low value advances from men too unconfident to make a traditional move
I disagree that most MGTOWs are emasculated bad boys. There are some in MGTOW that are just simply non-committal and don't want to have women as serious partners but are still fine fucking women, but most MGTOWs are men that are not getting laid.
They're aware enough of the matrix to bow out of dealing with women, but if they were at least emasculated bad boys, they'd at least be getting lays. Hard for a bad boy of any variation to not get laid. There are always low value women who will just drop their pants for a bad boy.
I think any college guy date raping women is probably not MGTOW. He's just a piece of shit. If he was actually MGTOW a guy wouldn't be doing that shit. MGTOW is a philosophy and men aren't going to be MGTOW and then force women into sex
Edit, I realize I might not have directly answered your question. Yeah sure, some guys in MGTOW are actually nice guys. They're MGTOW because no matter how genuinely nice they are, their lifestyle is never rewarded by women. But I think a lot of MGTOWs are just incels that are aware of the matrix. they know why they're not succeeding but choose to go their own way instead of learning game
[deleted] 2y ago
[deleted] 2y ago
No-Stress-Cat 2y ago
Let me clear up a misconception of yours: This forum is not the world of MGTOW. MGTOW is a subset of Red Pill knowledge. There are many subsets of Red Pill knowledge, all under the vast umbrella of the Manosphere. Nice guys who become bad boys are just plain old assholes. There are nice guys who learn to game and turn the tables on women and become pick-up artists. Then there are nice guys like I used to be, who just stopped giving a fuck about women, and do their own thing.
Even when I was a blue pill beta bitch myself, I wouldn't have believed an ounce of what you're spewing out here, because it's nothing but utter bullshit. The way your post reads, and after reading some of your other posts, I'm beginning to think you're an undercover feminist, come to infiltrate the forums for whatever reason.
whytehorse2021 2y ago
Thank you for confirming my suspicion this is a chick or else a hyper-feminized man. I know there are also guys like Rian Stone who make shit posts to see how bad the answers are.