I can not understand hate that semen retention gets here. I will not use the term NoFap because I do not want anyone to think that I have something to do with NoFap Reddit community, because, frankly, I do not know what is wrong with the guys there. And I will not examine, I do not care. I just see from the posts that they are fucked up. Now, on:

I hold semen retention, or abstaining from masturbation, simply, thing that has shaped and changed my life completely. Now, before I was fapping regularly I was not some kind of fucked up guy..rather normal guy - was visiting the gym, did fine with ladies, made fine career..things were honestly pretty fine. However I was just school example of beta guy with occasional alpha bursts due to good looks and muscles...but I failed to spin plates because I developed feelings for every girl I met - after all at the time I was as I said pure plugged in naive Beta. I had to resort to relationships. This is a bit of topic, but why I am saying this: there is a train of thought that semen retention is related to polarity - so before you were jacking off 7 times daily and you were incel omega male, after you stopped jerking off you have become Superman with super powers - and this train of thought is very wrong.

A bit of common sense: I can speak just from my own experience, as everyone can. For it is 100% that semen retention does wonders for some, it does nothing for some, and it has negative consequences for some.

You might say there are some guys who masturbate often and are perfectly fine: I guarantee, you are wrong. There are guys who masturbate up to 6-10 times a month which is completely acceptable and can also be considered semen retention, as effects are the same, but EVERY SINGLE GUY that jerks off 40-50 times a month (or even more) is supplicating cuck with depleted sense of self worth, messed up internal frame, and disorganized hormonal picture (between other effects).

Also, you might say science does not support these theories; I think it is not important at all - science and it's results in these kind of things were always to doubt - and only one thing in this world matters - what works for you. And when something works you do not need to wait for permission from guys in white suits and their official statement that semen retention is powerful.


I was not even masturbating so much, and I feel POWERFUL changes from semen retention. Changes that cut deep in my being, and further from just physical aspects. I will not write any examples but, just after few days, let alone months, I am different. My sense of self, my emotional strength, inner frame, are simply different. I am less needy, supplicating, without self doubt, more assertive, and make no mistake - I am also better person. I feel like real me. These changes cut beyond what one can consciously achieve. If you have willpower you will teach and discipline yourself to do some things or behave certain way, but these changes will never come from your inner being, as it does with semen retention. I definitely connect better with people and I am more present.

Physical aspects are also noticeable - I have A LOT more energy (and I was energetic before), voice is definitely deeper and firm - in the way that no voice exercise can achieve. Look in my eyes is definitely different and I can tell there is 100% difference in my eyes on semen retention and after ejaculating - you can call me crazy all you like. But I would be crazy to deny what I see.

Looking through last few years, was kind of shocker for me. I changed few countries, few jobs, learned new language, been with a dozen of girls and two longer relationships, which also, as any relationship - shaped my life in a certain way..last few years were anything but static. Life goes fast and when I look back so many things happened..anyway.. What was the shocker here? I got goose bumps as I type this:

NONE of these things would have happened if I masturbated regularly. It is all connected. One example how it rolls: semen retention gave me enough power to start boxing after job. And also to meet new people in the club and be social. One of these new people is guy who become a friend and offered me a job. On the job I have met a girl that seemed cute and I was able to seduce her, again, because I just had that attitude, and she payed me trip to Paris. There I have met the guy who is owner of German language school and was giving me some cheap offers if I wanted to learn a language. And of course I did it.

After I broke up with mentioned girl, there is a specific reason I was very eager to find a new fuck toy: you can hold semen retention just so long, sooner or later you HAVE to fuck something. Lengths and things you will do to fuck something while on semen retention can not be achieved through normal motivation: you literally do not care about rejections, anxiety, who sees you, like, nothing. You will be able to approach 10 chicks daily and you will not give second thought to any rejection. That is how powerful you become and you can be sure your search for a girl will bring you to new people, places or events, and this power and confidence does not count only for women - you will just get balls all around. And that is how it is - man is wired to leave the house for hunting, fucking, and conquering, and when you jerk off you throw all that through the window by wiping your sperm, staying at home and watching Netflix.

Next girlfriend I found took me to her place in the city center, I was commenting how hard it is to find apartment there (it is)..then she said her neighbor is moving out in one month and she will set me up if I need it - that is how I have got my apartment, after months of pleading landlords, construction companies, and offering bribes, and failing. If I just masturbated I would still live in a shit hole in suburbs complaining about housing bubble.

What I am saying, is not to brag - but to show you on simple examples how semen retention will PUSH AND FORCE you to do things, which will attract new people and possibilities in your life, thus, shaping it in a ways which will not happen if you are satisfied. Many of these pushing and forcing will relate not just to winning things just for the sake of it or simply finding a way to spend your new found energy, but also largely to finding a chick you want to fuck, and then going some lengths to do so; but do not argue with nature. Women choose, we qualify, that is how it is.

As someone famous said, hungry lion is a dangerous cat.


I am not the best writer and someone else would have written this better, but I think the red pill has to stop with semen retention hating, we need to look it through red lens: semen retention is a tool that will push you further and beyond. And no, it is not done in order to desexualize yourself or whatever the fuck those retards from NoFap are saying - it is done in order to make you assertive, willful, ballsy, driven, firm man which wants three things: to hunt, to fuck, to win - that is what are we made for.

Semen retention will definitely help you to fight all the blue pill conditioning you have been thought - because when your instinct kicks in, everything you know goes right through the window, and then; following experience will teach you better then 10 years of reading Manosphere.

If you doubt anything written, please, I beg you; do next, a small 30 days challenge:

  • Do not masturbate for 30 days (less then 5 times is ok but first two weeks do not touch if you do not have to take a piss) (you can fuck of course but try not to ejaculate too much)

  • Do not use smartphone in your private time, just regular cell phone (no buts here)

  • Take short cold showers immediately after waking and right before sleep

Do this and tell me that it was not a game changer. You have any doubts? Just do my 30 days challenge. This is not some kind of monk mode..be normal, go out, fuck your plates, be sociable..just do these three things.

As for meditation, I am not the meditation type, but it is nice to sometimes lye on the bed, breath deeply, and feel masculinity and energy in your being.

I will gladly participate in the comments.