Time and time again, I have been referred to as an asshole, a dick, a twat, a cunt, and a variety of other names. It doesn't bother me, because there is a clear difference in being an asshole and being a bad person. Girls refer to an asshole as someone who serves themselves, and use it in a derogatory way, like the word fuckboy is used. Nonetheless, being one does not make you a bad person by any means, and one very BP mindset is to associate being an "asshole" with being despicable or distasteful. I will use myself as an example - I am a nice person by all means. I will give up my seat for an elderly person who needs it more on public transport, I will help a child grab something out of its reach. If appropriate, I will genuinely do something to help someone else and make their day easier without compromising my own. But to be an asshole, as in self-serving, is not a bad thing. I wrote a post about the changes I saw in myself after swallowing the pill, and mentioned that TRP is all about self-improvement. Self improvement can be looked at as self serving in the sense that you are doing things to benefit and 'serve' yourself.

The times I get called an asshole are when I refuse to see a girl again, or if I go cold turkey on not responding to their dumb messages, or if I don't call them or blah blah etc etc fucking bullshit that wastes my time. THAT is compromising myself for someone else who doesn't need or deserve it. While this is a very 'asshole'-esque mindset, it's the mindset you need in order to focus on yourself and personal well being. This does not make me, or you, a bad person. With my friends, I am in no way an asshole, because we do things for each other as homies. With my family, I would die for them. But other irrelevant people? Fuck that. One line I always use to explain myself when a girl is irritated by my inhibition towards relationships is "Im not looking for commitment" - this is an asshole line, sure, but the bigger picture in mind is more important. I don't want to waste time with trivial relationships when Im focusing on building myself up and have a vision that Im striving for. I have a vision and want to be a physician and help poor/underprivileged children in developing countries, for example. And I don't think thats something a bad person would want to do, and Im sure all of you have your own goals and visions of self improvement and success, to in some way benefit society as a whole.

Thats all mates - just always remember the clear distinction between the two.