We moved in around the start of the year. She's an engineer because she wants to find a rich engineering husband, AWALT, at least she's open about it.

She comes home one day and says that she was the first to finish a test in programming, but misspelled some things in the program that caused her to get a 0%... because it didn't work. So she goes in and cries to the teacher and the teacher gives her 80% and tells her not to tell anyone.

Fast forward....

She doesn't clean up a lot of arbitrary shit around the apartment, but she's getting on my nerves so I stop cleaning them up- things like Keurig cups or those milk tabs on the counter or wrappers. This wasn't a big deal to me, but she was annoying.

As the mess starts to pile up, she texts me one morning saying that she's sorry for not cleaning up anymore, but that she has been unmotivated and can't find the energy to do anything (aka depressed) and she's going to the ER to find out why. I stood there for a second and then realized that holy shit she just apologized to me for me not cleaning up for her anymore. It hit me, she has no fucking idea what's going on. She actually thought she was cleaning the apartment the whole time, but never had, NOT ONCE.

Now it's finals week. She told me she failed all of her finals, but that she told her teachers she's been feeling depressed so she got another month to study and then get to take them again! What the fuck. I would have never even thought of asking my teachers for something like that, based on principle. If you can't do your major properly, learn to do it, take the fail, and proceed to do okay later in life.

So when they say that women make up most of the college graduates, it's just not the same. On numerous other occasions I've witnessed her being treated like a princess. Yet another time, she took too much xanax and got drunk the night before an exam, couldn't function because she was too high, failed, told her teacher about the xanax and he said she could have the weekend to study and take it on Monday. She proceeded to get drunk the whole weekend with her other "engineering girls" as I saw them pull all nighters eating pizza and throwing paper airplanes in the library for fun and called it studying. Fuck, most of the girls I know get drunk to study because there's a pub in the same building as the library, for only god knows what reason.

I guess I could go in now and ask for special treatment, maybe I would get it. The difference is that I won't. It's morality and thoroughness in my life.