Learning how to spin plates is an essential part of your red pill journey.

Some guys prefer not to. Some guys prefer an LTR. Some guys want to raise kids and a family.

It's your preference what you want. But it's important to be ABLE to spin plates, to know how. It's essential to deprogramming your blue pill tendencies.

Before I started my journey, I was a textbook archetypal niceguy. It's really funny in retrospect how much of a beta I was. I remember hanging around girls I liked as their supplicating friend. I knew that I'd never get anything from them, and I was okay with that. I liked them so much that I was happy to just be around them. To spend time with them.

Are you ready to vomit yet?

But I'll tell you what. That's not the whole story. While I tried not to consciously think about it, I acknowledged that the reason why I was a friendzone niceguy was that there was something wrong with me. I wasn't a man, or at least not a sexual one, in the eyes of these girls. And rage built up inside of me at the idea that I was lesser. Until I reach a critical mass and I unleashed that rage on myself in the form of aggressive self improvement.

Aggressive self improvement will raise your SMV but it won't deprogram your beta blue pill programming.

After my self improvement I was able to pull girls, because I walked the walk on the outside, and I looked the part, but on the inside I was still longing for each of them with puppy dog eyes. I would try to give them what they wanted, make them happy so they'd like me, and of course I'd do nothing to upset them.

How did I break through this pattern? Experience.

If you don't have a lot of experience with girls, then every experience you have seems magical and special. Remember when you were 13 and just seeing boobs seemed like the most amazing thing in the world? Having little varied sexual experience increases the power that women have over you. It decreases your ability to hold frame because you wonder in your mind if you can replace them. You don't want to lose what you think you have.

Until you fuck more girls and you realize that the same patterns start to appear, you see more similarities between the girls, you see that shit you thought was special and unique about them really isn't. You stop getting doe-eyed and you start being more practical. You see what you really want, what is and what is not worth your time.

Most of the guys I know who are stuck in the BP mindset are there because they have very little sexual experience with girls.

Once you're the type of man who is ABLE to spin plates and next them when they start upping the shit tests beyond a tolerable point, then you're really able to hold frame. You can't hold frame with a girl unless you KNOW that you could replace her. You have to internalize this idea: You can replace her. Get over your oneitis again and again and again.

I've recently nexted a girl with whom I have invested 8 months. I didn't bat an eye. She threw a shit test and doubled down. I didn't budge, so it goes. Am I sorry to lose her? Honestly, no. And it's not because I'm a cold bastard. It's because I now have the experience to know that she is entirely replaceable and it was only ever temporary to begin with.

There's a lot of guys here who like the idea of thinking red pill but never learn how to play the game. You have to play the game. Learning to spin plates and next them without hesitation when the time comes is boot camp for your frame control with girls.

tl;dr learning to spin plates diminishes your blue pill tendencies