I have taken the red pill. Until recently I didn't have a name for it, but after finding this reddit and the manosphere I can say I am free. My story isn't too dissimilar from most I've read; married high school sweet heart, marriage stagnated and failed. I'm now a 30 something bachelor loving life.

The reason for this thread: I've read many blogs and have been a part of the PUA community for a few years. I can come into the red pill community easily because I already have a basic understanding of the ideas shared here. My brother, on the other hand, is me but 3 years behind. He's in a shitty relationship that he's fighting to fix because he's told that's what good guys do. When I try to discuss red pill ideas with him he shuts me down as bitter and damaged. Is there an article I can share with him that highlights the main points without using any jargon or acronyms? If this doesn't exist (I haven't seen it) perhaps someone would be kind enough to write one. I am not qualified, as been evidenced by my failed conversations with my brother.

TL;DR is there a single, stand alone resource I can show to people so they can unplug themselves