Nofap has been around for some time, but I hadn't seen such widespread acknowledgment of the movement until this year with 'No-nut November.' My guy friends were bringing it up, I've seen heaps of memes and references on the internet, and even heard it mentioned by minor celebrities/internet personalities. After seeing it enough times, I couldn't comprehend how it could benefit anyone. Most of the participants were losers, and its advocates in the manosphere didn't seem to provide a great explanation as to how it helps.

This is because it doesn't. It's an easy way to forge a veneer of willpower/progress without building any value or reaping any rewards. Removing 'disvalue' from your life does not guarantee the creation of value. So, the horny toad that I am, I resolved to fap on every single day of November, and attempt to maintain and even improve my value at the same time. The interesting thing about fapping all the time is it means you're thinking about sex all the time; at the gym, at my dance classes, in lectures, in the kitchen, not just during a 4-hour Pornhub marathon. I found this to be particularly conducive to meeting and banging chicks. What I quickly came to realise is that 'nofap's' benefits are really just the benefits of wanting sex. Fapping and porn is an easy way out of being rejected and having to escalate with a real life human femoid.

Disclaimer: the contents of this post are related to nofap and abstinence from masturbation but not to the consumption of pornography. This is a topic beyond the scope of this post; anything I say in criticism of nofap shouldn't be taken as a criticism of abstinence from porn. If nofap is simply the way you abstain from porn, then great. Don't take the following as a criticism of that.

Let's Get Physical

If you're approaching and already having sex with every Stacy on the block, abstaining from fiddling yourself means nothing. Your plates won't care, your LTR won't care, your mom won't care, and nor should you. I fucked one girl 23 times - aloe vera moisturizer is a godsend for raw post-sex dickskin) - in the first two weeks of November (over the course of 4 different nights) and had a one night stand with some chick from my salsa classes, still carrying the other girls' bite marks and scratches on my chest and back. She could probably sense that sex was the only thing on my mind and my only goal at the time, and invited me to hers and escalated into sex without me even saying anything.

If you are viscerally sexual, girls will sense it, and they will like it. Nofap is not a healthy expression of your male sexuality. In the latter two weeks of Nut-Every-Day November, I fucked two different girls in one night (the second knew about the first), and had a very talented plate from another city bake me one of her cakes and bring it on the train; she bit a tiny bit of my ear off during sex and I made her lick the blood up. Show her your raw sexuality and it will drive her crazy (disclaimer: don't blame me when she's too turned on to stop herself from mutilating you).

After the first two weeks passed, I started seeing the complaints that none of the no-nut November adherents and Nofap disciples were getting laid. Funny that suppressing your sex drive doesn't get you laid. To repeat my earlier point; nofap only helps if it leads you to approaching/escalating more. But that doesn't mean you need nofap in order to do either of these things.

Destroy Your Dick December

Seeing the complaints flood in coincided with me finding GayLubeOil's post 'Destroy your dick December.' I would recommend going back to read it now if you haven't already. GayLubeOil's (very profound and practical) final point was tangential to nofap, but his observations on no-nut November were brilliant. Put simply, No-Nut November maintained a vacuous feeling of personal development with the corollary that the following month becomes 'Destroy your Dick December.' Now that we are midway through December, I think it's safe to say this was spot-on, yet not a source of shame for those who have fulfilled GLO's predictions. This echoes my prior point that the denial or abstinence from a vice does not create value. It may assist in doing so, but doesn't entail it.

I continued rubbing myself raw with masturbation and sex throughout November; as tiring as it is, it greatly reinforced my suspicions that nofap is only as good as its adherent. You can fap every day and lay 2 different girls a week, meanwhile No-Nut Ned is posting about his new superpowers on the nofap subreddit (including the epic story of how 3 girls made brief eye contact with him on the bus!!!!) and getting nothing. You get nothing from dooing nothing, and everything from doing something. Nofap means nothing if you aren't doing things right in the first place.

Final Thoughts

Masturbating every day and having sex multiple times a week is not sustainable and this isn't what I advocate in the post. The message I want to convey is not an indictment of nofap but a warning against inaction. You reap the oats you sow, so to speak. To the nofap zealots of TRP - before you comment telling me about nofap and how its a magical potion that turns you into a superpower, ask yourself why it works. Is it because it makes you more likely to approach/escalate? If so, then we are on the same page.

I look forward to hearing your feedback and thoughts, happy holidays to you all