In my corner of Twitter I found this video talking many redpill truths. Truths related to transgenderism, political bias of the APA guidelines, war on masculinity and more. I don't personally know them and I don't know if they lurk here, but I'm definitely sure they know about us.

I asked /u/redpillschool permisison to post the video and some commentary that I found would be interesting to comment here.


I have highlighted the most curious parts. Emphasis and editing is mine:


Transgenderism as hyper masculinity and how it relates to autism

Transgenderism has a large overlap with autism. Certain expressions of male to female transgenderism are actually a kind of hyper masculinity. Autism has some connection there, a lot of male to females will have a very solipsistic way of engaging with the world so they have their own aesthetic.

That's very striking, their own way of acting and engaging in the world and presenting, for example, their style of clothes, their makeup, etc. Whatever they're presenting, instead of looking outward into society and getting feedback from society there's a kind of reclusion where they look back to themselves and then they update their schematic based on their own self-perception, and then they continue down that trajectory and they can go really really far down that trajectory, which is why you have such extreme radical behaviors sometimes.


APA political bias

One thing the APA, for example, will never do is they'll never call this out, they'll never say that transgenderism could be a form of hyper masculinity, they'll never say that transgenderism could have male violence or male violent tendencies associated with it because they are political and so they'll completely ignore this.


Other quotes

The war is on masculinity. Everyone wants to separate the benefits of masculinity from the downsides. They want the benefits of risk taking, disagreeableness, long nights, etc. at no cost or risk.

It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener at war.

Nukes are necessary to avoid conflict, having the capability of inflicting violence and choosing not to use so is necessary to keep everyone at bay.

Male violence is cuantafiable, while female violence isn't.

65% of psychologists are women.


I will leave it here as it is a long video and those interested should give it a listen. They mention a Slate Star Codex post which I found, here is the archive if anyone wants to check it out, which I do.

It is always refreshing to see more people waking up against this upsidedown clown world we live in. I find it interesting the idea that transgenderism is a more extreme view of the masculine, and thus the furthest away from the feminine.

I won't be adding much about the APA as enough has been said around here. One guy claims he's a psychologist so it's good to have the opinion from one of them.


Any discussion is welcome.
