Summary: The SJWs went for the throat on this one, lets set the scene:

The supreme court. One man, all that's standing between him being appointed, or his life, career and reputation shattered:

IS SEXUAL ASSAULT. What else is at stake? Self imposed narratives like Rape culture tightening its grip on the balls of every man in western society, threatening to creep up on many unsuspecting men who had each got lucky one night out in the club, or the cafe, or the art gallery and got pussy later that night.



The title is how a news article written by a feminist might look if Kavanaugh is acquitted of the rape charges. But think for a minute the effect this might have for the very near future:

So to begin, we already have this little gem

This is a simple feels based article, the very first sentence reading:

"Brett Kavanaugh is rape culture personified"

"Kavanaugh doesn’t just benefit from a system that shields men in the face of endemic sexual abuse—he embodies it. "

Of course we have a checklist to tick off here:

1 in 4 women statistic? Check

Kavanaugh's drinking? Check

My favourite: "If he is lying to cover up his alcohol abuse while a teenager, who’s to say he isn’t also lying about alleged sexual assault during the same time period? "


Guilty or not, this will have been an all-in move by the Left and the democrats to sabotage one of the three branches of the government (judiciary), spearheaded of course by the MILLIONS of programmed SJWs on every social media platform and every fucking blog site. I'm talking of course about Reddit, tumblr, twitter, instagram, facebook, the list goes on.

Due to the fact that entertainment in the form of television, film, music, art, video games have all been inundated with left-wing views and ideas. These SJWs are spreading their ideas with alarming speed and reach. ANTIFA is their army, an uncivilized mob of pussies who can only beat up old or disabled people.


Don't forget ANTIFA are downright criminal, weaponizing things like bikelocks and fucking personify the word "Bodily harm". Reference: This piece of shit who held a position in a university that concealed a bikelock in a sock and split a guy's head open. Didn't even have the balls to look him in the eye, but instead to sneak up through a crowd and strike covertly from behind his buddies.


Regardless, if Kavanaugh is found guilty of the charges of sexual assault, feminists and SJWs are going to once again point their fingers, but this time say something along the lines of:}
"I mean like, do you really know anything at all? Like seriously rape culture is real! We've been telling you for years and giving you examples and all you do is talk about facts facts facts like honestly what good are facts when you don't believe the victim"


One step closer to the destruction of the rights of men, and perhaps mental enslavement

