I've noticed a lot of people on ASKTRP asking "Oh she did this, and this" "This must mean she isn't interested, but this hints that she could be interested."..... NO. She isn't interested, you are being pulled into orbiter status.

If you can't say "Damn she seems almost too eager to see me", then she does not want to see you.

For example ; doesn't want to see you again. "I'm sorry, I can't come tomorrow, I'm so busy with so many assignments and I have 13 labs to do; I'm so exhausted!"

Many guys will think "If I wasn't interested I would just say I'm not interested, but she didn't say that so she must be interested!" and thus "I think she could be interested, but her story doesn't seem convincing so maybe she isn't that interested" and thus "I must play harder because if I try harder she will definitely be attracted!" ... Commence free mental rent. Commence over investment. Commence chase.

Now for when she does want to see you. "I'm so sorry, tomorrow won't work my schedule is full! I really want to see you though how about another time??!".

Now you're good.

Notice the subtle differences in the Womanese language. The first example is a very calculated attack. Women want to keep you around to reap benefits off you even if those benefits don't include dick; thus they devised a very dubious language to trick fools.

Men wouldn't notice these subtle differences because we have no such desire to keep women we aren't attracted to around.
