I think there's something wrong with me.

I find myself on a constant climb to be better. In every aspect of my life, from my job to my physical fitness to my style and grooming to my game to my facial attractiveness.

This grueling, ruthless climb leaves me in a constant state of "all work, no play," so much so that I can't even enjoy the victories, large or small, when they come.

Every battle I win is lack luster. Every mountain I scale ends with nothing but a feeling of dissatisfaction and a desire to go higher. Victory is never sweet. It's always tasteless.

Some days I'll see an individual, usually someone I know, having already reached the selfsame goal that I'm fighting tooth and nail to reach, and it stings like all hell. I just have this...violent reaction, almost like an anxiety attack. It's hard to describe, but my heart starts to pound, my breathing becomes labored, and I get this dark, ominous sinking feeling in my stomach. It's like some type of panic, accompanied by overwhelming feelings of despair, inferiority, and, strangely enough, rage.

I compare myself to the people around me, people from rich families, people who had booming social lives since childhood, people who were raised in sports teams, people gifted with perfect facial bone structures, people who had lives cut out for them to begin with, and in the moment, I don't factor in that I'm severely disadvantaged. I don't factor in how I grew up homeless, then poor, was raped, beaten, malnourished, deformed, isolated from society, deprived of human interaction, human touch.

I'm caught in a limbo between the boy I am and the man I know I can one day be. When I see others near the top of their own personal ladders, it reminds me of that man, and, in a fit of frenzied rage, I violently hate myself for not being him already.

I guess I should care about trying to live life in the moment and have some kind of fun, but I feel like I can't afford to. I guess I should relax, slow down, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, but I feel like I don't have time.

Even as I move up the stairs of my SMV, as I improve my style, my grooming, my diet, as I hit PRs everytime I go to the gym, as I read book after book to improve my mind, as I work like a plowhorse to pay for everything I need to survive as a college freshman, there is no middle ground. Being average, even on the top edge of average, is still shit to me. Irrespective of what I've accomplished so far, I regard myself as shit and will continue to do so until I've reached the top.

That's it. The top. Or shit.

Until then I'm a broke, physically weak, unattractive social retard and I have to claw my way desperately upwards, fuck the world and it's distractions, fuck emotions and desires, fuck mental health and good night sleeps, until I make myself into someone people can give a damn about.

Until I can give a damn about myself.

The rational side of me knows this isn't entirely healthy. But I fear if I lose this mindset I'll lose my drive to succeed, sinking endlessly into the bottomless pit that is my self-esteem.

It's too broken to fix. I can only compensate for it with this obsessive climb.