This is gonna be a short rant post. But maybe due to me googling RP stuff for many days now, stuff like this now often appears on my quora feed. Damn, wish I didn't read this, but oh well, have to get it outta my mind (cause it brought back the memory of my ex who threatened DV on me once)

This guy's friend's bailed him out - almost certainly other guys. If the comments section is to be believed, women simply offer sympathy and are satisfied with the feeling of pity. His male friends however, offered him a couch.

And yesterday comes in a post of an anonymous beta who's so beta that he goes back to the woman who slapped a divorce paper on him, fucks her when she says she's in the middle of her cycle, has 2 kids with her, gets abused and humiliated, and claims he wants to stay because he loves his kids. For god's sake, stuff like that is why we need the red pill.There are a lot of threads like this on social media that might make you nihilistic, but it will tell you two things. One, women have far more privilege than men do in a lot of things - the scope of this doesn't become clear until you know the laws of your state or country really well, and the history of their use and misuse. The justice system is increasingly screwed against men, and there is a section of lawyers who essentially make their money by getting families to break up. There is still a part of the judiciary that seeks the truth and does not tolerate lies - but good luck with that. So knowing the laws -- it's a non-negotiable thing.

At least knowing what it takes to ensure you have a job, a lawyer, a house of your own and a car just in case you come back home to face the worst is now an essential survival skill, as much as caveman had to keep his eyes and ears open for predators - it's something every man needs to know before getting committed.

The other common trend I observe here is that - Before a relationship gets to this point, there are plenty and plenty of red flags. As an example, one red flag a lot of guys in these threads didn't realize was a sudden change in the woman's character at some point in the relationship - it could start with a refusal of the woman to accept and align with the man or anything related to him - his family, beliefs, his frame in general. But basically it's a declaration of independence and a refusal to acknowledge the man's frame - that turns into resistance. If anyone here is familiar with the betaization process, it's stage #5 at work, which means the relationship is more dead than the poor guy thinks.

Another example (which was there in the link I shared) was a threat of using the law against you. You do not say to anyone you love that sort of stuff which you'd think twice about doing to your worst enemy. If men are really the gatekeepers of commitment and trust, this ought to be the vision of the grim reaper and a clear signal to get out, as intact as possible while one still can. Thank god my ex never actually did use this on me before we split, but I remember that day where in the middle of one epic blow up, she ranted about dragging me to the streets using domestic abuse.

Other red flags are the tell tale signs of infidelity, about which there're are plenty of posts here. Watch out for that special hamstering ("Just a friend", "It was all in the past").

The thing in most of these relationships is that there were plenty of red flags. The one reason why those red flags were ignored was because people hamstered the feeling away thinking that there's no way someone so close to them could dream of doing or saying stuff like that to them. They also believed that things would work out down the road. Guess what, they never did.

Unfortunately, your gut's always right. Your mind may lie and rationalize, but the body never lies. If there's one thing that your body doesn't do, it's lie to you. People's mouth's and faces lie, their feet and behaviour doesn't. Learning the art of reading where your relationship is, what's the level of trust, and where it could be heading, and facing the unpleasant truths in time can allow you to get out before things blow up.

If these guys knew the truth, the first sign that the one closest to them might be about to become their enemy would have had them doing whatever it took to gather proof of their innocence before they found themselves on the streets or in prison. In my own case, I had a recorder running 24x7 inside my PC that recorded everything - it was buried under dozens of other open apps so that even if my ex checked out my PC, she wouldn't find it. Fortunately, I never needed any of it down the road.