Summary : Pulled a number and got a couple make-outs from an HB6, but a lack of true abundance led me to focus too much on her, leading to a crash and burn.

Body : First, a bit of backstory: I've been working in Afghanistan for a few years, and been Red Pill aware for a little over two. For any vets, you know how bad the pussy situation gets out here: a real world 6 becomes the most popular girl on base, simply because the male:female ratio is about 100:1. Due to this, I usually don't bother with trying to pull girls out here and just get my fill while I'm on vacation.

A few weeks ago, I see this legitimate cutie (real world 6, so like a 9 out here) waiting for her coworkers outside of the cafeteria. I very loosely work in the same organization as this girl, and have talked to her once before with fairly positive results. When I say fairly loosely, I mean she's been here for about 5 or 6 months and this is the second time I've seen her. She sees me walking towards her and waves, so being that I'm not a complete faggot I go up and talk to her. Long story short, I run some pretty solid attraction (tease, push/pull, swapping sunglasses, long hand shake, standing hip to hip to compare boot sizes, etc.) and grab her phone number before I go. At this point I'm feeling like an absolute pimp. She's got a nice body and would definitely be plate material back home, but in the mind-fuck that's the deployed environment, my lizard brain sees her as being the hottest girl I've ever talked to.

Over the next week we text a bit, and again I run pretty solid game. I limit my texting, break rapport often, flirt and challenge, send non-sequiturs as compliance tests, and sometimes just ignore her. We set a meet for her day off. I pick her up, and after hitting the shop on base I take her to my (secluded, private) place of work. After about 20 minutes of increasing kino and heavy eye contact, I pull her in for a kiss. Very strong response, passionate, etc. I come up for air every few minutes and take a break, and each time go back in and make a bit more progress. Eventually I pick her up by her ass and she wraps her legs around me, I'm kissing her neck and chest and she's moaning and bites my shoulder, leaving a mark through my sweatshirt. She has some bullshit class to go to with her friend, so I take her back home and drop her off. The next night we meet up outside my barracks when she comes to pick up her sunglasses that she left in the truck. It's fucking freezing, but I walk her over to a gazebo and we start making out again. I'm rubbing her pussy through her pants (crotch is soaking wet) and she's stroking my dick through my sweats (I'm not wearing underwear). Finally the cold is unbearable and we part ways.

The whole week after this I'm thinking about her nearly non-stop. I haven't been obsessive about a girl for years, since before I found out about TRP and had my big breakthrough. I'm daydreaming, fantasizing, projecting onto her, basically all the dumb shit you did when you were a True Blue Beta. Contrast this with my last vacation, where I was at home spinning plates for 2 months and actually turning down Tinder dates. I almost NEVER thought about any particular girl other than for logistical purposes, i.e. when can I fit this bitch into my schedule to come over for a dicking. Anyway, a couple days before her next day off, I set up another date. I plan on going all the way for the pussy, or at least getting some head. I basically say 'pick you up x day at 6', and she doesn't say yes or no, just continues with the conversation. Again, I let it die for over a day. She texts me later with 'Happy New Year!' and after some flirting, I say 'see you tomorrow, try not to miss me too much' to which she replies 'lol I'll try not to'. This is where shit seems to go south, although it was probably earlier. We text a bit in the morning of her day off, then I ignore her for the rest of the day until it's time to go pick her up.

Me: I'm on my way, be outside in a few min

Her: I'm not even dressed. Hahaha.

Me: straight faced emoji

switch to whatsapp

10 min later

Her: Damn you and your flip-flopping apps. Hahaha. Whennnn?

20 min later

Me: ready

another 20 min

her: lol you're just going to have to go eat without me tonight

(at this point I'm getting irritated.)

Me: I already ate. Are you coming out tonight

her: Lol ooh well shucks. and idkkk.

Me: aw you had your lil heart set on eating with me. so romantic. dont worry, I eat two dinners (which is true). bring the candles

her: lol. Yeah, Yeaaa.

I ignore this and head back to my room. It seems to me like she's playing games, and this was already an hour and fifteen minutes after we were supposed to meet. The next morning I come in and check my phone, and see that she sent me three emojis that I can only describe as a grimace: eyes closed and a straight mouth with teeth showing. She sent this an hour and a half after her last message. A few hours later, right as her shift starts she sends

her: Tonight is going to be the worst shift ever. (followed by 3 more grimace faces)

I read the message so I know she gets the read receipt, but I ignore. 30 min later she sends:

her: Well you're no help. Lol.

Again, I ignore her. That was 3 days ago, and I haven't talked to her since. Looking back, I thought perhaps my over-eagerness translated through texting which made her feel comfortable enough to employ such a massive shit test. Reading through our message history, I don't really see a change in tone or frequency between pre-makeout and post-makeout. Either way, it caused me to analyze my approach and I think I've learned a lot with this experience.

Lessons Learned

  • Abundance mentality without actual, true abundance is difficult to achieve and maintain. Yes, you can fake it till you make it, but eventually your anxiety will bleed through and you'll slip up. When you ACTUALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER, it shows in even the most subtle ways and increases her attraction to you.

  • Fuck trying to be 'natural'. For the last few years, I haven't really cared to learn much about or employ game in my interactions with women. I felt that being 6'4", well built, handsome and armed with TRP knowledge was enough to carry my interactions with women. And it was, back home where the playing field is stacked a bit more in my favor. Out here, trying to fuck what is essentially a 9, without any sort of abundance of pussy on my part, being natural doesn't fly. I realize that if I'm going to be successful with top-tier women, I must constantly, actively game them. Some of you may think it's dirty and manipulative and that alpha males don't use game, they just do whatever they want in the moment, but think about this: whoever you are, even if you're Chad Thundercock himself, you can be fucking better looking women if you learn and use game. It's like steroids; sure you might be a great athlete naturally, but with a bit of exogenous testosterone, you could play at a whole new level. Is it cheating? Who the fuck cares, sexual strategy is immoral amoral. Do what you gotta do.

  • Picking up girls on a military base in Afghanistan is an uphill battle. In the rain. At night. With 50 lbs of gear on your back. Did I mention the hill is a giant sand dune, and the enemy is dug in like an Alabama tick? Bitches out here have so many options and access it's ridiculous. This girl is literally the hottest girl every where she goes on this base, and she knows it. She constantly gets the attention of field grade officers, fighter pilots, special forces operators, you name it. If you're going to play the game here, you've gotta be playing at the highest level possible, but if you CAN make it here, the real world will seem easy by comparison.

End Note This is my first submission, please feel free to critique my formatting.