2 years ago, we had a new student in Russian class. She was cute, smart, out of a releationship and every other day she catched my bus. That was a time when I was just at the start of TheRedPill Path, looking for direction and purpose, how to be cool and lead a manly life(imagine how shitty it was if even I grew disgusted with the amount of time spent on video-games). After the introductions to this sub, I began reading posts on socializing, cold-approach, Game etc.


One whole year I was her classmate in language class, one whole year I promised myself I'll talk to her the next time I see her on my bus stop, and every day of this year I failed myself. On the next year, I began lifting, confidence and status increased tremendously, and thus I was finally prepared to cold-approach my first girl once the weekend was over.


Problem is, the Monday's end I awaited so much wasn't what I expected - she wasn't there. Neither on the next day; she must have changed places or something. On the 3rd day her class was nowhere to be seen, police was outside, it's a mess. I asked one of the girls that knows absolutely everything that happens in a kilometer radius, expecting to hear how some 12th graders stabbed each other again or broke their limbs falling on the stairs while fighting. Instead, she told me that a girl from the other class went missing, then her and her family was found dead at their house.


The family was assassinated because the father was in feud with underground bosses over money. One night they just sent a hitman to their house, sparing not even the dog.


Why do I tell you this? Because during my very short life I've seen how much a single action can change somebody's life. Months ago I would've been run over by a bus if it wasn't for a girl behind me that pushed us off the street in the last moment. A friend of mine would've been in a bad car crash with 3 other guys if it wasn't for me taking a very long piss and him waiting me. There are so many cases, positive and negative, where the small actions lead to something massive and totally unexpected. The thing is, though I don't really believe in gods and destinies, I strongly believe every one of us experiences something at least a week that determines whether he is improving, stagnating, or degrading. It's like you're having a normal day, when suddenly very specific circumstances appear, that you know won't happen again anytime soon, and both body and mind prompt you to take an action. It's up to you to remember the countless posts you've read on girls, finances, business, gym, and then act. Looking back, I think I would've been shot too if I had the "balls" to talk to a goddamn girl from my fucking class. Either that, or I could've accidently saved her by taking her on a date while her home was attacked(highly unlikely, real-life is, for good of worse, not a popular movie). It doesn't matter now though, the only thing I can do is say "May she rest in peace".


TL;DR - The clock is ticking. You can die at any moment, a precious person can suddenly disappear, your crush might've been lonely the morning you were right next to her and now it doesn't matter because tonight she'll be dicked by the one who suggested a date for tonight. Time is always running out, things happen to everybody, both small annoyances and extreme examples like I've used for this post. You're waiting for the "perfect opportunity"? Life is a sandbox, and you never build your sand castles with the same grains; in other words, nothing happens the same way twice, and if you're training yourself to take the next "moment that was just like the one I failed to act on because I wasn't prepared properly", you're training for failure. Train to see what's in the present and act accordingly to your wishes, or you risk losing something, sometimes forever.


Someone correct me about the flair if I've marked it wrong.