Just like we men have our sexual strategies, so do women. If you're becoming or are the man that we all strive to be, a successful alpha male, you will deal with the following:

Women excelling at, Rick Ross Voice, Trap, Trap, Trap, Trapping a man. Cold blooded, admirable manipulation.

Very recently a familiar, ex-local now successful rapper got a girl pregnant. A similar thing happened to an acquaintance of mine as well. A familiar phrase these men and many alike have expressed is ''..though this came as an unexpected surprise..me and <> are having a baby..''

Birth control. Did you know that the contraceptive pill has a 99% success rate if used correctly and a 91% success rate if not? There are no accidents. If your girl claimed to take the pill and got pregnant, she played you [Trap..Trap..Trap]

The moral of the story is this: as men it is best to take responsibility for every single thing that happens in your life that you are able to control. We have to, society will have it no other way and neither will women. We only have one form of birth control, use it, control it and make sure you always have the upper hand. If not? Life will make sure you have four more to feed for the rest of your life.

I will add that my appreciation for women is high, and in reality both sexes are scumbags morally. Sometimes accidents do happen and pregnancies are no walk in the park for females, however, keep the above in mind.