We discuss hypergamy here all the time and its pretty clear why younger women cheat: The biological urge, or craving for high quality and diverse sperm to help her perpetuate the human race.

What about mid30s to mid40s women? Sometimes they have a terrific provider who would do anything for them. They have kids and consciously know they don't want more children. They have good lives with cushy jobs (if any). What motivates a milf to sleep around and risk the good life?

Thankfully, TRP has theultmatecad hard at work investigating these questions. For those of you who need background, I "wised up" to game in my late 30s after catching my wife in a pack of lies. I took things real slow as to not fuck up my lifestyle and my kids lives. I never even asked her about the "truth", what good would that do me? I get the joke now, Eternal romantic love is the spoon from the matrix: There is no spoon®

No, I moved on and have been fucking inside my social circle and learned the following:

"Settled" married woman are bored to death. Most of them own their husband outright and say things like " I'll have him bring the kids to practice" or " You need to take me to the Caribbean". Then Jackass does it. I'm not throwing stones, I was him once.

This ennui leads to very bad places for both parties in a marriage. Like her sucking other men's cocks in hotel rooms, begging him to cum in her to "force the situation". I've seen this at least three times this year, always the same, even if the names and circumstances change.

Men don't get boooooooooooooored and cheat. They generally cheat because they need sex that their wives don't provide.

If you are in an LTR and think you can coast, you are dead wrong. Tingles must be provided, if not by you then by me. Or someone just like me.