Recently reddit's admin made another blindly stupid decision to piss off their userbase with little to no actual payoff to the company, which they have yet to figure out how to properly monetize so they're experimenting with simply alienating the userbase by banning numerous subreddits absent any justification or understandable policy.

During times like this I tend to get a lot of requests for help with projects to protect free speech or archiving subreddits that believe they may be on the future receiving end of trouble.

Many here will note that years ago I foresaw a possible shuttering of our discussion and undertook measures I believed to be prudent to prevent a complete loss if the SJW crowd was able to finally try to wipe us out.

I designed software dedicated to archiving our subreddits' most popular posts, identify reddit users on a secondary forum ( where we could verify our identities in case of emergency, and a micro-blogging / full blogging platform that gave us some breathing room outside of reddit (

It's funny that we were the big bad guy not too many years ago, users begged for us to be silenced. But now are being approached by people whose speech you wouldn't consider to be controversial now asking us for help in protecting their freedom of speech.

In the spirit of freedom and the free dissemination of information I have always had a soft spot for groups and people I've believed are at risk for censorship.

I'm reminded of the old quote "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist... "

So, I am posting this here for anybody who may be involved in these groups. Get in touch with me if you think you've got an idea or need help with an idea that you believe will combat censorship. I have a lot of resources that may be of use. In some cases (not guaranteed) I have been and am willing to offer web hosting, software tools / development, or other useful things. Get in touch with me and we can work something out.

I believe the community is strongest when we have a network to build our own power. This begins with ensuring we have freedom of speech.

I have a little experience in this arena. I am a master shitlord after all.