In the car I heard NPR over the FM radio this: APRIL 26, 2018: "The 'INCEL' (involuntary celibate) movement", which might have motivated the man allegedly behind the van attack in Toronto. To hear it: (This link just a segment teaser, see the full episode below) In the minutes after 39:20 and 43:20 they talk about theredpill subreddit by name, and how our ideologies are merging with the incel movements.

In the audio, they specifically mentioned "reddit" twice by name and also mentioned "subreddits" all around the manosphere, like theredpill without saying it's name plainly, so as to not attract attention. They mentioned the links to Rollo Tomassi's Social market Value, and the hate you're all spewing around this subreddit, the female host was using all the same acronyms theredpill uses, like PUA, incels, etc.

They're calling us out as a dangerous new ideology that's spreading violent toxic masculinity over the internet and over the world: motivating men to become disengaged from women, no longer pursuing women, talking about manspreading, mansplaining, toxic masculinity. Talking about recent posts I remember reading, such as where older and higher SMV men were saying without apology that they don't date women over 29. This is an alarming affront to the progressive democrat liberal left NPR feminine imperative and they're trying to link the Toronto terrorist groups to male-centered female-hating misogynistic ideologies spread around here.

Female callers were calling in to ask: "How can I make sure my man doesn't get infected by these online hate groups?". And about how we can apply pressure to the maintainers of the website to shut down these subreddits spreading hateful ideologies that lead to terrorist attacks.

We're being watched by journalists and government paid PHD researchers on national news media. Post Smiley faces, you're on candid camera.


The link above was just the preview, the full segment is here: Download the MP3 so you can skip ahead. There they bring in the PHD's and talk about theredpill. Reddit mentioned by name @16:22 Discussion of chads and stacys. Explanation of manosphere subreddits @ 17:35. @19:25 Ideological manosphere echo chamber subreddits. @21:15 male supremacy is now being added as an official ideological hate group. @21:50 compared with ISIS and white supremacists. @22:35 hatred metastasizing. @24:45 Anti-feminism groups don't call themselves incels. @26:40 referring to "White heterosexual male caucasians." @28:50 "Toxic masculinity is refined on internet subreddits". How do we break that? @29:20 normies and gettin banned. @30:15: acronym PUA explained. "We hunted the mammoth" website tracks us. @33:10 explanation of SMV. Introdoctrination of sexual market value based on various things. Game playing women. Hate groups, imagine how it feels for women. @34:40 "How do I steer my man away from these online hate groups?"