Before TRP: I'm in my late twenties. I've been your stereotypical thin, nice IT guy for most of my life. Had my share of GFs, but always committed LTRs with a lengthy wooing period in the beginning.

Improvement: 1.5 years ago I started lifting, eating right, learned about frame. I bench 110% my BW, deadlift about 200%. I'm visibly fit, and unafraid of women, but nothing special.

Results: Recently broke up with my GF who was pushing for marriage and children, so I'm happily single.

3 days ago at an industry event a girl approached me, started chatting. Had a date with her last night. She's practicing Catholic and married, late twenties. Without spending a dime, without implying commitment, within 2 hours, she was kissing me. Then she went home to hubby. This has never happened to me before.

I know one of you Chads would have fucked her, too, but I'm not that good yet. Will probably happen at the next date.

Psychological Impact: I just experienced a woman actively approach and disregard her religion and her fidelity vows just because she saw a better male than her current partner is. I read the sidebar, I know what hypergamy is, but merely reading about it leaves a tiny mental space for disbelief. Direct experience dispels any doubt. I feel physically sick. I won't be able to trust any future female companion after this.

Update with epilogue: A few days later, I did indeed fuck her. She wasn't a very good lay. Immediately afterwards something just flipped in my brain and I lost all motivation to ever talk to her again. We did meet once more for a 30-minute chat. She berated me for being a dick, said that she needs me, she feels there's some kind of special connection between us, yadda yadda. I politely explained that I'm done here and walked her back to her car.

Conclusion: one more data point for the Red Pill - physique matters; marriage doesn't matter; men want sex; women want commitment and get pissed off (but chase you) if they don't get it.