Came across a Larry King interview with Dan Bilzerian, everything you’d expect out of the guy. Pure RP gold. Link to the interview


“It’s like, if a hot girl goes to the bar and she gets hit on 10 times she can go home and sleep like a baby and not hookup with anybody. But if she goes to the bar and no body pays attention to her and nobody talks to her then she almost like has to hookup with somebody to feel validated a little bit.”

“I was at a club and had one girl that I flew down that I used to date but decided that we should just be friends because she wanted a relationship. I had another girl that I had been sleeping with for a couple years that was living with her boyfriend so she was kinda like my actual date but I couldn’t be seen with her so I had the other girl that I could take to events."  

Decided to just be friends when she wanted a relationship. Girls always trying to secure a high SMV man, but why settle when you’re on top? Sleeping with another girl that was living with a boyfriend. Beta bucks and Alpha fucks.


What’s something that people get wrong about you?

“I think a lot of people think that I’m just fucked up all the time, that I’m drinking all the time”

Do you drink a lot?

“No, no I really don’t. No I actually don’t drink to much at all. For me I always went out to get laid you know? So like a lot of guys when they go out they need to drink so that they’re more relaxed so they can pickup chicks, but I just got to a point where I just didn’t really have to work at all.”

There’s no need to waste money and calories on alcohol when you don’t need it. Sure it’s nice to have a drink at the bar but no need to get hammered thinking that’s going to help you walk out with anything above a 5.


What are you embarrassed to admit you watch or enjoy?

“I’m not really too embarrassed by much, I always just kinda put my cards on the table and accept me for who I am kinda deal.”

What TRP is at it’s core. Being a high value man confident in himself, not afraid to put his cards on the table.


Do you feel like you use women?

“I feel like a lot of times girls are using me. A lot of times girls use me to get back at their boyfriends or piss off an ex or, you know I get used all the time. It’s kind of crazy but I can’t really get to upset about that”



How often do you let yourself be vulnerable?

“Definitely not that often”


Do you ever want to just settle down?

“Um sometimes, at the end of a long weekend maybe”

35 and top of his game why stop now?