INTRODUCTION: When you begin to take charge of your life and do what it takes, whatever it may be for your situation, to improve yourself, don't expect anybody to support and or encourage you while you are in the process. This is especially true with those whom have known you for a while (close friends and family to name a couple).

BODY: As a man, your value is forged and chiseled away through the passages of time. That is the only way. Sure you can get a good haircut and dress better all in one day, but that's just a part of the puzzle. You can be good-looking, but if you have no life direction, no goals, no passions, no friends, no fulfilling life, no accomplishments, etc., (in other words, nothing that took time to create) then you're still low value and everybody, not just women, can sense this. You may get a Siren to approach you, but Mark Manson said it correctly: "The truth is always shining through."

When you start doing something, chances are, you're going to suck donkey balls at it. This is just part of the process and is something that you must go through if you wish to shine. Not only do you suck, but everybody else who knows you're starting will laugh because they see you going through the initial failure stage. I'll give you an example from my own life.

I have known one of my friends since high school (we're both 21). He grew up with a masculine father and harmonious family; therefore, he is what many would call a natural alpha. Unsurprisingly, he has never had a problem with women or friends in his life. I, on the other hand, am a recovering porn addict, former geek, bully victim and barely had my first kiss at 17. After swallowing The Pill, I decided I am done with being stepped on. It has been over two years and things are beginning to take shape for me: I have a 3.89 GPA in a STEM degree, am a leader in my public speaking group, am saving up money, began to look after my appearance (Malefashionadvice and skincareaddiction FTW), am beginning to feel true desire (fuck porn), and discovered that I have the God-given gift of a masculine voice (have received multiple business cards from former radio/sports announcers and have even given some girls tingles just by speaking) I'm looking into starting my own home voiceover business for extra cash. Needless to say, I am at the happiest point I have ever been in my life.

My friend has been used to me being the WoW/porn addict I was in the past and treated me as such. After reading TRP for a while, you can read between the lines of what everybody is saying to you. The other day, he told me, " Why does it matter what you look like? Everybody's face breaks out and everybody dresses badly. You need to stop listening to society...Why did you quit porn and World of Warcraft? You were so happy when you did them...Why do you want a white collar job as a data scientist? You already make good money at (my fast-food job)...You need to stop talking like that to girls and talk normal." Lemme tell you despite all of these words, his father is going to give him a blue-collar business upon graduation, is planning on opening a tattoo shop afterwords, already owns multiple motorcycles at 21 and has maxed out his physical appearance.

TL;DR: When you improve, don't expect anybody to be on your side. People do not want the process, they want the result. You may find some people that understand the struggle you must go through to be great, but these people are rare.

UPDATE: Holy Hell. This exploded. Thanks for the gold. I'll answer questions as soon as possible.