tl;dr- Womans' words about sex are not to be taken literally. Pay attention to what they do not what they say.


Edit: Authors own website-

I'm not sure what everybody here thinks of fraternities, but IMAO despite some of their obnoxious antics they have plenty of redeemable qualities. Amongst them is the ideal of making oneself into a successful man who can handle the many obstacles life throws and commanding respect and admiration, essentially being an alpha. Some do a better job than others of course but here's an example of how we can find Red Pill wisdom in pretty ordinary places.

Pretty much any concept that's been discussed here ad nauseum is found in this article. A few excerpts:

Through my years of dealing with women, I have occasionally made the mistake of taking what a girl has said at face value. Through experience, I have learned that there is always more than meets the eye, especially when dealing with college-aged women.

If you haven't already learned.

  • He’s a douchebag: I’m actually very sexually attracted to him.
  • He’s creepy: He’s not attractive.
  • We shouldn’t have sex yet: I’m still getting D from another guy, or I don’t view you as a viable sexual being, so I’m going to push these free meals as far as they’ll go.
  • He’s such a player: I want to fix him and make him mine.

Attraction is not negotiable

  • I feel fat: If you don’t tell me I’m skinny right this instant, I fucking hate you.
  • I’m not hooking up with you: I’m going to hook up with you, and I’m saying this solely to test you.
  • My period is late: I am testing your composure.

Shit tests, shit tests everywhere

  • I’ve only been with X guys: I have been with (2.5)X guys.

Might even want a higher coefficient than that with older girls.

  • I think we should take it slower: You suck at sex, so I want to see if I can turn you into a meal ticket.

AF/BB, that old dead horse.

  • You only care about sex: I fell under your spell and just became aware of it, so please say something to make me not feel like a slut.

  • [From the comments]: “He’s just a friend” We used to engage in coitus but I caught feelings and he didnt. The dick was good though

Remember you have power in any relationship as well. You should not be a slave for your sexual desire it should be used as a tool to help you maximize your happiness in life. Have a mentality of abundance, be persnickety in your choice of partners, women certainly are.

But yeah, you get the idea.


Other than basic sidebar reiteration:

  • Contrary to what you may think the whole world isn't entirely against Red Pill theory, many people are far more alpha then even they may realize.

  • Red Pill wisdom can be found in some atypical places. I don't see fraternities mentioned much on here other than lamenting over false rape accusations against them like the Rolling Stone article on the UVA frat, so I'd figured I'd give an example of some positive wisdom they can espouse.