I just realized that it’s been about 5 years since I discovered TRP. Here is a summary of my “journey” since swallowing the pill. Hopefully this serves as a reminder of how we all started out, and what we are working toward. This can also give an example to newcomers as they start realizing their full masculinity. Cheers.


My religious upbringing caused me to sincerely believe that sex was only reserved for married couples, and any extra-marital relations would condemn the participants to hell. I held this belief throughout high school and college. My religion defined me; I even worked at the local church to fund my college tuition.

With that said, however, I wasn’t particularly “beta.” Just extremely blue-pilled in the sense that I didn’t understand reality. Looking back, I was quite attractive throughout my young life; top student, athletic, and I had unique hobbies that garnered attention. Getting women to notice me was relatively easy. I took a hot date to prom. I met various women during college. And so on.

However, my belief about sex hindered me from leading relationships forward, and so every single woman lost their attraction eventually. I was just a boring, naive, little boy who was saving himself for marriage. This cycle repeated for years; I met a cutie on Tinder, went on a few dates with her, maybe even - GASP - kissed her, then she dumped me. Oftentimes, the dumping was done via text, with a few women straight up ghosting me. Yet I felt heartbroken every single time it happened.

Politically, I was very liberal, like most early-20s men. I was swimming in the globalist, feminist, anti-Trumpist bullshit. I consumed media as quickly as algorithms fed it to me. In general, I acted emasculated and feminine, although I didn’t recognize it at the time.


I moved out of my parents’ house. I lived in an apartment for awhile. At first, I was hardly making enough money to survive, so I was counting every penny. The situation forced me to get a better-paying job and develop more useful skills. I became more involved in my community, which led to great networking opportunities. As always, I stayed on top of my shit.

The relationship cycle kept churning. However, by this point, I started reflecting more about why girls kept growing disinterested in me. There was a specific time when I had a fun date with a girl, and I thought she was digging my vibe, but she ghosted me afterwards. I went on a beta rage and kept texting her. For awhile she didn’t respond, but she finally gave me a vague “I’ve been busy” answer. That sent me for a loop.

I knew that her answer was a soft excuse. I also knew that she wouldn’t elaborate no matter how much I begged her. Still, I wanted to know WHY she answered that way. So I hopped on Google. And that was my first exposure to The Red Pill. I was led to the original subreddit. The answers totally shocked me. I didn’t know what to think at first, because TRP seemed “misogynistic” based on my indoctrination. So I backed away and refused to read anymore for awhile.

Later that year, I met another girl, and the same cycle repeated. However, one particular moment during our brief, sexless relationship reintroduced me to TRP. This girl remarked that I seemed “mysterious” and she didn’t “really know who I was.” Young me would’ve explained every aspect of my life in intricate detail. 2018 me, though, left her hanging, and then hopped on Google again to ask WHY she said that. And once again, I was led to the original subreddit.

That time, I was more open-minded. I read about various topics. More questions kept popping into my head, and so I kept returning to TRP for answers. I still felt shocked, but over time, that shock wore off and curiosity took its place. Not only did I read the subreddit, but I also watched Youtube videos of pickup artists just so I could observe how they interacted with women.

Slowly but surely, I started testing out TRP principles. And I noticed progress in my relationships. I actually dumped the girl that I was seeing at the time, which was a brand new, yet freeing, experience.

Then I lost my virginity. Nothing special. I hopped on a dating app, set up a date, then applied simple game to go back to her apartment and smash. Nowadays, I hardly remember the chick.


This year was my “hoe phase.” I went on an absolute tear. I felt like I had wasted so much time, so I was fucking every pussy that showed an IOI. You talk about spinning plates, I was doing that. At a certain point, I smashed multiple chicks within a week. Most of them were fat chicks. But hey, we all had to start somewhere, right?

I significantly improved my game and sex skills during this time. Dating apps were my go-to source, but I also did some cold approaching irl. All the while, I was upgrading my career and lifestyle. My attractiveness kept increasing, and coupled with my newfound game, I was starting to slay.

I met a good girl later in the year. We connected instantly and I took her virginity after a few dates. A complete 180 from my situation just a year prior. She asked for commitment, and I decided to give it to her.


The pandemic uprooted my entire worldview. I thought I was beginning to understand reality, but suddenly, I realized that I didn’t know shit. Fortunately, I was in a good position to keep my job, and thus my apartment. But as everything else around me shut down, and the government started encroaching on my life, things started clicking for me.

I could go on a whole tangent about the pandemic and how that has negatively impacted our society. But I’ll save it for another time. With so much free time, I observed people. How they acted. How the government treated them. How corporations treated them. How the news portrayed events. How social media algorithms trapped people, including myself. And so much more. I learned alot about human nature by just sitting back and observing.

I also focused more on stock investing. The market was CRAZY back then. From the mid-March drop off, to all-time highs, to the vaccine race, to the Gamestop frenzy. I kept a close eye on it and made a little bit of money. TRP often crosses over with the nerdy day traders, so I stalked both circles.

Midway through the year, I bought a house. I found the perfect opportunity when interest rates were low, and house prices hadn’t skyrocketed yet. Being a homeowner has forced me to improve so many hands-on skills.

Beyond that, I also began studying philosophy and science. This has become one of my favorite hobbies. What is the meaning of life, and how does that interact with the physical universe? This connects with a certain demographic of redpillers as well.

Meanwhile, I broke up with my longterm girlfriend. The reason was because her mom was caught cheating on her dad, and then she filed for divorce. And the divorce was NASTY. I realized that what comes around goes around, and I didn’t want to deal with my girlfriend acting the same way years down the road. It was so tough to break it off, but it had to be done, and I was better off for it.


More of the same, really. Working, maintaining my house, fucking chicks, studying philosophy and TRP. I remained very involved in community activities, so my social proof was through the roof.

I maintained a FWB for awhile. She was cool, but I never fully committed to her. I was fucking around on the side. Overall I got much better at managing multiple women at a time.

Nothing super notable happened this year. I was on “cruise control” for better or worse.


I was growing bored of my career - since the pandemic, most of my time was spent sitting at a computer in my upstairs room. The desire for something different, and something that I could control, seeped into my consciousness. So I launched a business. It began as a side hustle, something to earn extra dinero during the weekends.

Later in the year, I decided to LTR another woman. We are still together as of writing this post, and it’s going splendidly.

This year was mostly about developing different skills and putting myself in new situations. Still reading TRP to stay true to myself.

2023 - Present

This year is when my business truly took off. I was able to quit my day job and fully support myself by working for myself. It has been one of the most difficult yet rewarding challenges of my life.

Admittedly, I slacked in working out and lifting heavy shit, although I did exercise frequently and maintained an athletic frame. So I got a gym membership and started focusing more on lifting. I have continued this well into the present. I’ve gained decent muscle mass since I started working out, and have generally felt more masculine because of it.

The LTR continued, and still does today. She truly is an incredible woman. I feel as though she is the first girlfriend who I’ve been able to completely lead, and she completely submits to me. All of my past experiences have led me to being with her. I have a comprehensive view of relationships now, and our relationship is all the better for it. Of course, I still read TRP to make sure that I don’t fall off the path. Overall, I couldn’t ask for a better LTR.