You've probably learned about "Pavlov's Dog," a behavioral experiment in which a canine was conditioned to salivate whenever a bell rang, as it believed food would soon be served.
As I've studied and applied TRP theory over the years, I've recognized similar behaviors in humans - especially women - in a broader sense. Women love validation, attention, and provided resources. Once I truly understood this core concept, I started observing it in my sexual relationships. Then something clicked: I can use women's desires similarly to Pavlov's Dog to encourage good behaviors and stop bad behaviors.
I'm currently in a stable LTR. By far, it has been the best LTR I've ever built. I feel like I'm fully in control of the relationship, and she adds tons of value to my life. I could brag about it forever. But that isn't the point. One key reason that our LTR is so good is because I have successfully conditioned my girlfriend (although it is a never-ending process) to be an incredible partner for me. Here are some examples.
At one point, I noticed my LTR was gaining weight. Not enough to make her unattractive, but I foresaw that approaching in the future. So I thought about why she was gaining weight. She had a sweet tooth (ate excessive cookies, cake, ice cream, etc) and sat on the couch watching TV alot. I realized that telling her she's getting fat wouldn't be productive, so I developed a plan to condition her.
At first, whenever she was eating sweet food and offered me some, I politely declined. Every single time. She noticed, and occasionally commented about how my diet was so good. Then i built upon that foundation; whenever she wanted to eat sweet food, I simply ignored her. If we were at the grocery store and she meandered down the ice cream aisle, I would simply keep walking. She'd catch up eventually, without ice cream.
One time, we were at a festival, and one booth had delicious cookies for sale. My girlfriend stopped to peruse the inventory. I simply continued to the next booth, which was selling nice ceramics that I knew would catch her eye. She eventually came over - having decided not to buy any cookies - and was enthralled by the cool mugs and bowls. Since she had been a good girl, I told her to pick out an item and I would buy it for her. She was very happy.
The second part of my plan was to encourage her to exercise more. I began by hitting the gym more, and then bragging about it all the time. My SMV was visibly improving. She felt like she needed to catch up, so she also got off her ass and started exercising. She really enjoys running, whih is good because cardio keeps the weight off. The first time she ran, she sent me a snap right afterwards. I showered her with praise and encouragement..."good job baby, that's impressive, keep it up, you look so good, look at us being healthy, etc." She started running regularly, and every single time, she sent me snaps to prove that she did it. And every single time, I have her positive validation and attention.
This strategy has worked wonders for our relationship. First and foremost, it has encouraged my LTR to make better health decisions, which maintains and improves my attraction toward her. Secondly, it has improved my own health as I've eaten less junk food and worked out more. And thirdly, I've applied these concepts into other parts of our relationship, especially our sexual endeavors.
Of course, it's a never-ending process because of the nature of women. But with a solid frame and deep understanding, it's possible to build an LTR that is worthy of a high-value man. Pavlov was onto something.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago Stickied
Stickying post to the top of RP forums for a week for being one of the best fresh idea posts in a LONG time on here
OPPTRP 1y ago
I wish I had read this before my last LTR. You are the leader and you have to lead by example.
I was implying she needs to lose weight but still indulging in the bad things. I’m in good shape not great but I thought just being active around her would work but it didnt
coolsocks00 1 1y ago
Great post man, impressive. Keep it up. Look at us, improving post quality on the forums.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
brabissimo 1y ago
Good read, i've doing my own search on pavlov conditioning in people after reading one of OmLala's old posts, i think pavlovian conditioning is a great tool that every man should know, so they can train their gf/plates/wife in a way that women don't even notice it. You said you are doing this for a while in your LTR, it would be great for you to make posts showing how you apply the pavlovian conditioning in other areas of your life with her.
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Aight, I'll make my scientific posts retarded so they get stickied like this one.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Lmao. Formatting and succinctness helps. Had to read and re-read yours numerous times
whytehorse2021 1y ago
These forums are not exactly conducive to formatting. Maybe enable text editors in the forum boxes. I was doing this back in the 90s so it's not exactly cutting edge technology. I was surprised reddit took so long to do it.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
That's not what I meant. I mean like when I first clicked on your post I thought you were just dropping us links to read so I just backed out of it.
Then I clicked on it again like a day later and saw that it was an actual post with content. But I had to really scroll.
It was formatted (in terms of content, not typing or special characters etc) in such a way that I really didn't know what you were trying to do until I got the text body with ideas. Even then it was worded in a way where I was like "average user" isn't going to have the attention span for it and didn't connect the main ideas together as throughly as I was anticipating you would (since I knew about that topic already)
I thought it was a good start to a set of ideas but I wouldn't have stickied that for the above reasons
whytehorse2021 1y ago
Yeah I just learned from Rollo that you have to write to the level of an 8th grader for the general public. It's actually a challenge after spending 4 years reading pubmed.
Durek_The_Bald 1y ago
Subtle, behaviouristic conditioning is an essential part of LTR management. It's the foundation on which any functional, actually enjoyable relationship to women is built. You shape your immediate sphere like a clay...person makes a clay...thingy.