I want to start by saying I am taking full accountability for how my life is going. I have been consistently working out and am in great physical state. Within the past year, I went from dealing with insomnia and anxiety to being in a motivated mindset. However, it would be great to hear some advice/suggestions.

It was about 2 years ago, both my parents got cancer. I got overwhelmed by my life situation and a girl suggested to be there for me. Simply put, I fell into the full blue pilled experience. The moment I broke my frame, everything became gradually worse. My mental health/self-esteem also became gradually worse. When Covid happened, it became apparent that she was consumed by social media and she would negatively invest in every social issue. This mixed with my anxiety was a nightmare. Things got bad and I was finally able to end things with her.

That was probably the lowest my life has ever felt. I had lost many of my friend groups, people's perception seemed to have changed as my mental health was deteriorated, I was unemployed, was no longer in a relationship and had ill family members. As hopeless as I felt at this point, I couldn't accept it. I committed to getting a gym membership and took online classes to learn new skills. These things saved my life as it effectively distracted me from anxiety attacks. In a work of miracles, I somehow landed a decent job with those learned skills. Got good healthcare, found a good therapist and I can gladly say I no longer deal with insomnia and anxiety attacks anymore.

Overall I feel like I have been on a good road to redemption, but anxiety does still creep in every now and then. Mainly around how I broke frame and ate shit. I would love to hear suggestions/advices on rebuilding on using these experiences to become a better man. How do I not allow this shitty part of my past have any effect on my future?