Why are men on red pill spaces have such an idealistic view on other men. Except for a few men here most will get defensive when asked about male nature.

One has to dissect female nature in order to understand red pill but when it comes to dissecting male nature men suddenly get defensive and have a sort of idealistic worldview.

Our ancestors survived by killing other men and taking their women and resources. A part of that exists in us in the form of AMOG.

Why is it so difficult for people to grasp that most men are hardwired into making you fail so that they can spit on your corpse and take stacy?

People will preach about 48 laws of power and what not but when it comes to discussing them using field reports, most people will abuse you.

Edit: fellas in case it wasn't apparent, I wasn't hating on men. A lot of the people commenting seem to be on the anger phase. You people are projecting stuff on me which is so not cool. No most men don't understand male nature if they did so they wouldn't get duped or scammed and the world would be crime free.