Attention all anger-phasers, this post is for you. This post is here to remove the self pity associated with your role in society. Do not resist this post. Resistance is futile. Massive wall of text incoming, grab some caffeine and let's begin.

Ok, repeat after me: Humans are not attracted to losers. Humans will never be attracted to losers. Repeat until firmly lodged in skull.

Both men and women will never be attracted to sexual market failures. No matter how many #movements are created to do it. No matter how many "men go their own way". Women will never be attracted to your Betatude. You should accept this without judgement or anger or resentment.

AngryBeta: But why shouldn’t you get angry about this?!?!?! Men have so much more work they have to do! I have to become the top 20% to even get noticed and even then I have to compete with every other Chad Thundercock out there trying to poach my girl. All women have to do is put on a push up bra, short skirt and some pumps and every dude is drooling over her, heaping on truckloads of validation like its going out of style.

SWTDO: Easy, now. Eaaaaasyyyy. Settle down there little buddy. Daddys got ya now, daddys got ya. Its aaallllllllll right. Its all right.

AB: resisting GET OFF ME! Get off me. Oh...ok, well… fine… wwwwaaaahhhhhhhhhh AB cries

S: Let it out buddy. I’m right here.

AB: Sobbing

S: Ok. Now you’re ready. Listen, Women don’t have it any easier than guys. Your world is not inherently unfair. Long ago there was a time, when men did not bitch about having to be men. Men THRIVED in the struggle to be a dominant man. They embraced the battle with their own calls to be weak and lazy. They loved it. They laughed while doing it.

Now we live in a world of convenience and convincing lies. Dont want to remember to bring your own water with you? Spend hundreds on convenient bottled drinks. Dont want to take the time to cook your meals? Buy microwaveable instant mac and cheese. Dont want to take the time to self improve? Dont worry, we live in a society of yes men, they’ll pretend like you’re awesome already. But one thing, one final thing can never be negotiated. One thing can never be socio-politically goaded out of a human. And that is ATTRACTION.

No amount of shaming and internet brigades is going to make me pop a boner for a fatty. The part of my brain that controls my boner-level doesnt understand or care about social justice movements. That part of my brain doesnt even understand language. It is my autonomic nervous system, meaning my ego or thought stream that I identify with does not control it. It works on its own.

Similarly no amount of Male rights movements (as justified as they may be) will make women get wet for betas.

This is a core part of the truth that we want to accept here at the redpill. That you cannot force someone to like or be attracted to you.

So when a beta learns about this reality, and awakens to the truth that there is no disney princess out there waiting for him to just claim her, he gets angry. He pouts. He cries. He says woe is fucking me. Life is so goddamn hard that I have to compete with other men to gain sex and female attention. Then he spends his time alternating between denial, trying to say “Oh those redpill guys dont know it all.... I’ll meet my princess one day and she’ll just love me for me.” and some needy, sick form of bargaining where he thinks “If I can just never flinch and walk tall with my head up and go to the gym 6 days a week and force myself to pretend I’m an alpha for long enough, then my disney princess will love me for me and I’ll finally stop having to try. I’ll finally get to be the lazy piece of shit I always wanted to be.” But both of these strategies subtly avoid the simple truth of value as a men.

If you’re currently a beta you can not be a lazy fuck and have success with women. It will require some amount of effort to become alpha. If you are currently an alpha you will have to put in some effort to resist laziness and continue to be alpha. You will be tested, and you will have to struggle but you dont have to suffer. The beta who says woe is me is choosing to suffer. He is resisting the truth, and I’m here to tell you the truth isnt even that bad. So what you gotta work a little harder to get sex than women? Big fucking deal, you are born with more physical and mental power than women. It only makes sense that you would have more expected of you. And as for the misandrists and SJW’s out there fucking shit up because your male and/or white. Fuck em. They are a small crazed minority. Who fucking cares. Go about your life. You dont have to be Sir StoicsAlot and never flinch or show weakness. You dont have to be some cartoonish version of the perfect redpill man. You just have to put in some effort to improve and sustain your value. And honestly you can enjoy this process. You can enjoy the fact that life isnt easy for men bc the universe saw fit to make us the stronger sex.

“I ask not for a lighter burden but for broader shoulders”

Life isnt so bad as a guy. It can be a pretty fucking awesome experience.

And lastly lets remember to keep it playful here. To those who take issue with the tone of this piece, I say chill out buddy. Don’t get too serious with your strategic maneuvering through life. Laugh a bit, you have a pretty cool experience ahead of you as a man if youre up for it. People will look up to you, they will remember you were the man that showed them how to be one themself. Yes you will have some bratty women who dont appreciate your work but thats just part of the game. And yes there will be some crazies who try to make you feel bad for being a man. They dont matter. Create your reality. If you think shit is just gravy then your life will be gravy. If you think you have some impossible Sisyphean task of a life, then you will suffer needlessly. Keep trucking, stay strong, and stay happy.


TL;DR: Life as a man in the west isn't as bad as you may think. The universe saw fit to make you strong so that you could handle its challenges and the infantile shit tests and tantrums of women/society at large. Sure there is some injustice towards dudes but there is no reason that should stop you from developing into the badass man that you want to be or more importantly enjoying the process of getting there. Embrace your challenge, embrace your dharma as a man.

Edit: Changed a word. Thanks for popping my gold cherry homie.