Over own our off-Reddit site TRP.RED, we recently had a lively discussion dissecting THE WALL and giving fresh takes on a concept that may change (I believe) as the sexual marketplace evolves. If you haven't yet registered an account there, do so now!

Typically, we understand the broad concept of THE WALL to be either when a woman experiences a day where she is no longer as attractive as she was the prior day (Call this Wall-a), or when she is no longer attractive enough to garner the kind of sexual attention she had experienced at a younger age (Wall-b). This concepts are both real and unchanging- my question for the panel was: how much does this matter in a modern sexual marketplace where girls rule?

LastRevision: The wall isn't exactly what it was in the age before Tinder, the widening of the sexual marketplace gap, and the removal of any taboo against promiscuity.

I've more recently become open to a fuller age-range of women, and was shocked the first time a 40-year-old told me she regularly has sex with guys in their 20s.... and then another one told me... and another... and now I expect any decent looking, single woman around 40 to be getting fucked by young men.

And, sure, you could say "well, getting laid isn't the same as securing value" or whatever the fuck, but due to the top 20% of men getting easy sex, leaving the bottom end out of luck (incel), there will be decent guys hanging around to wife up promiscuous women when they're done having fun on Tinder.

The absolute most you could say is that "she won't be as satisfied with whom she is able to marry because of all the studs she's screwed blowing up her expectations"- the old alpha widow problem... but if that's the most you could say about THE WALL, it seems as though a woman's biggest struggle in life is essentially she-vs-herself- I think the issue is a wrap and women won.

Rollo Tomassi: The Wall begins in a woman's mental state. It's not a physical thing or even an age thing, although they are factors. It's an acknowledgement that she can no longer compete for the most desirable men that she used to when she was younger.

I agree that TRP vs. Black Pill / MGTOW get stupidly polarized on this, but their binary takes on the Wall stem from a want for an emotional high to see women get their comeuppance or to wallow in their sexless misery.

Red Pill School: Remember this: plentiful sex is the male goal, not the female goal. Women want quality, men want quantity. That's why guys would (almost) never turn down sex, but women make a sport of it.

We all know the fact that the options for a young blond at 20 are more plentiful than an old hag at 80. There is no question.

So your real question is, where does the line occur between young hottie and old hag? Sure, it's not a discrete line by any stretch, and the line isn't in the same place for all people. It's a gradual loss of options. The wall refers to that moment that eventually hits a woman when she realizes her options have dropped in number.

So to determine whether a woman has "hit" the wall, don't ask if she's getting laid, because that was never the measure of her sexual market value. Ask yourself how many people she rejects.

The fact is, there will always be thirsty guys out there willing to bang basically anything that walks. This does not contradict the idea that women age out of the market at a younger age than men.

Boys, the conversation as been poppin off at TRP.RED- and the new tribe system makes it easy to find conversations tailored to your particular interest and pursuits- think of the "tribes" on TRP.RED like the subreddit system on Reddit, except little noise / heavy value! Check it out!