I noticed a key point here is to let her become emotionally invested before you do. And after visiting this page I realised I have no reason to be somewhat emotionally invested in this girl I've known for a few weeks. We have good conversation, we fuck, and we have fun. So be it. I was locked in the idea of a potential longterm relationship because shes my type and I like her.

Now, after reading many of the best tips from a few top posts, one that I don't have even partial completion on is abundance. I have a few friends who are girls, but no one else I can reliably fuck. I was wondering how you guys open yourselves up to more possible females.

I'm introverted, and kind of picky. Girls easily annoy/bore me. Ill be turning 21 here soon and I was thinking once I move out of my parents (probably gonna room with a couple buddies of mine) and can legally go to bars/clubs or whatever, I'll meet a lot of new girls that interest me. I dont worry about it too much, just enough to ask for some personal experience of some older guys who could maybe guide me in the right direction. I have goals and whatnot, im generally pretty confident in whatever it is im feeling or doing, and I'm attractive and in decent shape. I'm thinking if I become independant, put more focus on what I want out of MY life ill be good, free from thinking too much about this one girl who probably really doesnt matter anyway.