The Gods Giveth and the Gods Taketh Away

WARNING: this will be a very long field report - turn back here if you have a short attention span or do not like reading


This is my first field report – but not my first lay. There are a few reasons why I wanted to share this report – to brag to my fellow man over my achievement, to receive some critique and finally to provide some instruction.

When I was beginning my journey into game here and on the seduction subreddit, I found that I was met with a few main issues: the theory was abstract and I did not quite see how to implement it into reality, or I had the opposite problem where I was given examples but I did not understand how it related to the theory. Also, I found that often there was no nuance given and it made for many awkward situations before experience taught me otherwise.

For these reasons and to save some noobies the pain, I have decided to try to rectify this situation in this field report

The Tinder Date of Fate

The whole story starts with a failed tinder date. Well failed is not quite the correct word to use – by some metrics it was a success but not by mine, not with what I was trying to achieve. I matched with a girl on tinder, she was a slight butter face and was skinny on her pictures. I do not place importance (anymore) on the facial aesthetics a girl possesses, my goal is to increase my body count and acquire a database of reference experience that I can use later. Moreover, it is training to hone myself and my techniques. Even as a veteran of many dates, I was excited for this date – I was anticipating an easy lay because the girl seemed very responsive and compliant to my requests.

An easy way to measure interest over text is to see how quickly she responds over a period – although that is not always a good indicator. Regardless of interest, one my favorite ways to build compliance/test interest and establish the frame that I am more than just a friend or a pushover guy is to text her, “come looking sexy”. Even if she disagrees (though you’d be surprised on how many girls accept this frame), you have already planted a seed in her mind of yourself as a potential lover.

I will not go through my text game in this interaction, as I have no interest in doing so and to save space.

Arriving at the date, I was surprised, the girl had more weight on her than her pictures had indicated, but I decided to stick through just to see if I can bang her.

As this field report will focus on what happens AFTER this date (the gods gift) I will simply say that I used plausible deniability to get her to invite me to her house (because I wanted to see her rabbit so much). When we got to her house we made out a little and then her LMR kicked in and she would not crack regardless of the various LMR busting techniques I used. I was simultaneously frustrated and curious to know what was it that prevented her from letting me push further. She said it was her ‘policy’ because of ‘bad experiences in the past’. As well all know it doesn’t matter what her policies are provided you can change her mood. I was not able to change her mood or her mind and I left defeated.

The Gods Giveth a Gift

I decided I’d walk back to the train station to enjoy the marvelous night and take the train back home (I live out of town and usually take the train into the city from the suburbs to enjoy carnal pleasures). As I was crossing a road, I noticed a pretty Asian girl with nice thick sexy legs dart a glance my. I did not want to go home and thought I’d talk to her – I felt no approach anxiety at this moment – had I been walking with the intention of approaching, I do not think the interaction would have gone as well as it had. I feel no approach anxiety if I do not dwell on the fact that I am going to approach. If I think about approaching the fear hits. I could not think of an indirect opener and so I decided to go for a direct opener and say “You’re cute. You have sexy legs”. She had passed me in the few heartbeats that it took me to decide and so I ended up approaching from behind and scaring her. I apologized for the scare and did my best to put her at ease, but I noticed that she accepted my opener and opened easily. Normally, it is a mistake to approach from behind because it can scare the girl and make her afraid of you but in this case Fortuna favored me, but since Fortune is very fickle I would not make such approaches a habit. I suspect that she opened so easily because she had given some interest to being approached by me as well as just being in a relaxed mood on a fine night. Also, the fact that I have been working on improving my SMV, have a fine body and was dressed well helped her to be open to my approach.

After approaching and putting her at ease, I just struck up a normal conversation (I do not remember exactly how it went – memory fades fast and so I hurry to record this event for posterity) without using any routines and asked her where she was heading. She said that she was heading home from karaoke with her friends. I offered to walk her home. I did not want her standing for too long, because walking keeps the nerves away and generates conversational topics and ideas that would be absent had we stopped at the place of opening. Moreover it’s a small test of compliance, I gave her the option to reject my advances, but every time she accepts, we move a little further towards victory. To put her at ease from having a stranger approach her at night, I told her if she doesn’t want me to walk her home to tell me and I will leave. Often on this subreddit you will hear that women do not like overt communication, but this is not entirely accurate. Overt communication can be a good tool to put a girl at ease and makes you seem friendly and that you have no agenda. But never state your sexual intentions/long term intentions towards her – only what you will do in the moment. As we walked, she explained that she lived nearby and that many Asian people like going to this area for the abundance of cheap food. She said that she is pretty hungry from her night out. I took this as a hint (I do not know if it was – I am not a mind reader but I decided to assume attraction anyways) and asked if she wanted to get some food since I haven’t eaten all day anyway (she doesn’t need to know that I just came from a date with another girl where we ate food – for the seduction to succeed I needed to act the part of whatever it was I claimed). She asked me to choose a place and after a brief hesitation I suggested we get shawarma. I ordered a small wrap as I was not overly hungry but needed to maintain my plausible deniability (appearances). We sat down and talked.

As we talked I wanted to turn her mind to thinking of sexual topics. But how to broach it while seeming chill and non-thirsty? I decided that the best course of action was to come at it from the direction of establishing myself as being non-judgmental. In this way I could bring up sexual topics without breaking my plausible deniability of just being a friendly dude who spontaneously met her while walking home to the train station. I told her she seems like a really cool, non-judgmental girl who doesn’t judge people especially for what they do sexually. I explained that I have many guy friends who judge women for sleeping around and that I do not think that is good. She jumped on this topic and told me about the exploits or lack thereof of her female friends. She described one friend that had slept with 100 men in a year. I acted impressed (I often act in social situations and so I can quite convincingly convey different emotions) by her friends exploits and called her a boss. I asked if the girl would ever do something so wild, she said she would not (probably meant to save face but I didn’t particularly care for her response either way – I had a different goal in mind). This allowed us to springboard to conversations/stories about other exploits. She told me how she made out with a girl. I asked questions and did not tell too many stories of my own, why bother and break the mystery and plausible deniability? She said she was a bit drunk from karaoke with her friends and I said, well that’s too bad because I wanted a partner with which to get hammered. She put a protein shake bottle in front of me and said ‘start with this’.

I forgot how we got to the topic, it seems it was just a natural flow in the conversation (as it should be), but we soon started talking about strip clubs. She said she lives near one and walks by it every day but has never been inside one. I asked her if she was down to check it out. I was surprised when she agreed. At this point I began to hope we would hook up (hoping to early, puts expectation in your body language and muscles – since I began to hope so late in the game, that helped relax me and establish me as a cool guy). As we walked to the strip club she said, “it’s pretty late are you going to miss your bus home? If you do its okay, you can stay over my roommate hates me anyway”. One important thing to note is that it hardly matters what her relationship with her roommate is, I’ve had girls tell me that they can’t let me come over because her roommates are there and sometimes a girl is feeling good, has a fully belly and some alcohol tickling her brain and she rationalizes away her roommates to make things happen. When she said this, I knew that we would hook up provided I did not fuck up anywhere or come off as needy or the wrong way. After passing the door guard, and settling into our seats, I ordered us some shots. The girl rushed to assure me (without me even asking) that she would get the next round. This is investment, that means she wants to not disappoint and be viewed as ‘fair’. We kept drinking and buying shots (and to make it more fun, I challenged her to eat the lemon or lime that comes with it without flinching from the taste). The entire time at the club she was saying how beautiful the women were and how she would fuck them despite liking guys. Eventually we made out and she suggested that we leave (I would have done it eventually, but I didn’t want to do it too fast because I wanted her to get turned on and did not want to be seen as ‘thirsty’).

We got back to her apartment and she told me to wait outside her apartment door while she cleans her room (I wonder if she was cleaning up evidence from previous encounters hmmm). It took her a while, and I was afraid she would stand me up last minute – never with a girl assume victory until you are inside her, be prepared that defeat could be snatched from the jaws of victory unexpectedly. And as I prepared to leave, she opened the door and called me in. I entered she turned off the light and pounced on me.

We did many things and I pounded her and choked her and was considering pissing in her mouth when she gave me a blowjob but was afraid that would not suit the situation well. She seemed to enjoy her time, moaning my name and leaving a big wet spot on the sheets.

The Gods Taketh Away

I never know what to do in the morning after post-coitus. My breath smells, and I am never certain if I should keep up the ruse of ‘being chill’ or if I should ‘accidentally’ rub her nipple with my palm and wake her or let her sleep. It’s a difficult question and to study it requires more time and reference experience. Perhaps other, more experienced members can shed some light on this mystery.

I woke up earlier than her (she claimed she needed to wake up in the morning for 6.00 am and that’s why she did not want to go for a round 2 at night, furthermore I was tired myself from the previous night of carousing so I let it go) and slid my palm over her nipples and heard her let out a small moan. I tried to escalate, but regardless of what I would do she would not let it progress further. I was confused, but eventually I gave up. She woke up, got dressed and we snuck out together so as not to wake up her roommate.

She gave me her number half-heartedly and I suspect we won’t be seeing each other again (though I will try), though I am befuddled by the sudden change in attitude from the previous night. I think it has nothing to do with my sexual performance as she seemed to be quite enjoying herself the previous night.

Post Scriptum

A problem I encountered on the way with this girl was when she told me I lack the accent that many youth have in the city – that established one as part of the ‘in’ crowd – the socially relevant crowd. I was acting the chill guy so ‘agree and amplify’ would be out of character and so I just said because I was out of country for a while.

I wonder if not having the ‘accent’ will hinder me in the future conquest of girls from the ‘in’ crowd, from the girls who are hot and enjoy casual sex? How do I acquire this accent, so I can use it anytime on the girls I want?

Some questions

What was her issue in the morning? From the story I told, is it possible to diagnose the condition?

In this narrative, I tried to highlight my successes and errors, but perhaps I missed something. I would like if someone critiqued me so I could further improve.

Are there any questions I should be asking that I am not?

A few final words

I want to mention that as I talked with this girl I realized progressively more redpill truths. I find myself periodically doubting the veracity of what is said here, but these kinds of encounters (especially for the observant) only serve to reinforce the truth.

I also want to mention, that the people who claim that only Tinder girls have ‘trashy girls who sleep around’, they are highly mistaken in their conclusion, this report should be the proof of that. If girls at elite universities in the country can acquire a 100 person notch count, then it hardly matters whether you pickup girls off the street or from a dating app. Moreover, you’d never say this girl would have been soaking her bed with vagina juices as a total strangers pounds her to oblivion, within 2.5 hours of meeting him on the street, just based on looks alone. She dresses in a very classy way and studies pre-med as do her friends. With that said, I recommend that one does not view women as ‘slutty’ and that they remove the word and its synonyms from ones lexicon as it serves no purpose as labelling girls in such a way ruins your own chances with her, makes mine more difficult and does not make girls enjoy sex any less.

I wanted to mention the reason for this title – “The Gods Giveth and the Gods Taketh Away” was a saying adopted from the Pagans by Christianity – it is a saying in many ways is similar to Memento Mori. It is a meditation on the vicissitudes of Fortune – that you can gain something fast and just as quickly lose it. It is meant to be instruction to not hold too tightly on anything – in one moment one can win fortune and in the next lose it through no fault of their own. One can win a woman, and in the next moment lose her due to chance and her own ephemeral moods. Although, I suspect I lost the girl in the end, I did not feel anything other than a small pang of disappointment that disappeared as fast as it came. However, I won’t lie, I sometimes still do experience an attachment to women, but it does not clutch me as strongly and comes less frequently than it once did. In my experience, Fate/Fortune/Luck/etc plays a huge role in success with a particular woman so to dwell on it is to dwell on the Will of the Gods. And when a man too often dwells on the Will of the Gods, they often send him Doom not Fortune!

I hope this field report has been educational and entertaining because it certainly was for me.

TL;DR I tell the story of how I meet a girl going home from karaoke, take her to the strip club and then proceed to pound her for half the night. I also try to provide some instruction along the way.