This is a post to follow up and show how I processed the recent post ‘Insecurity’ by Woujo.

That was an awesome post, and I give credit to Woujo. It’s stuff like that which hits things home for me on a deeper, clearer more accessible level.To me, his post was obviously about insecurity, and explaining how insecurity fuels certain behaviour and psychology. How to better understand the minds of women and understanding the behaviour of betas.

It lead me to think about how social hierarchy, evolutionary psychology and status contributes to my own understanding and execution of game.

In no way is this a rewrite, or plagiarism of his post. It’s in no way intended to be that. It’s more a homage to that post and a testament to how it influences others. Where we are lacking posts that combine theory and it’s influence on changed inner attitudes and outer behaviour, I think only more in that style can help the whole.

Firstly, we exist in a social hierarchy. This is one of the fundamental ideas of Red Pill. I believe many people are busy trying to win the acceptance and approval of groups and individuals of higher status than them. Groups they believe can provide something they ‘need’. Others are focused on trying to realise the full potential of their place in the hierarchy. To get as far to the ‘top’ as they can. To exist as far outside of the hierarchy as possible, becoming less and less dependent on those ‘above’ them. Self sufficiency. The modern day take on ‘Alpha’.

Make no mistake about it. By simple virtue of being a male you are higher in status and worth than a female. In recent times, society has done all it can to convince us of something different. Women paraded for their beauty. Instagram models adorning their accounts with model shots. Porn. Facebook. Social media. The hordes of beta males who scroll, with a look of awe on their faces, hitting the like button and sending private msgs to every decent woman. Desperate, thirsty fucktards who have fed the illusion that they are lesser, and there she sits high on the pedestal. Fake. Illusion. Voluntary brainwashing.You have the potential to be higher in status and worth than any female. Their hindbrains, lizard brains and subconscious remembers this.

Women, on the whole are insecure. Plate, spend time with and hang with enough highly attractive women and you’ll see it all over them. They never attain the poise, calm and groundedness of being at the top of the hierarchy. No matter how much social media and beta males try to convince them they are.

Women are insecure. It's left-over from years of evolution. They have traditionally been the weaker sex. They could not survive physical combat with warring parties. They are also pregnant for 9 months, rendering them incapacitated to fight, work and protect herself and her children. They lack the logical mind and stoicism of males. They make poor decisions,and hate responsibility. They are also told that their number one value lays in their physical looks. As we know looks fade, change and decrease.

As much as modern society tries to convince their pre-frontal cortex that they are ‘equal’ to men, thousands of years of world experience sits nicely in their subconscious, guiding much of their behaviour and thinking. Game is understanding this and changing your own internal attitudes and outer behaviours to match better with nature.

Because women are the weaker sex, insecure and lower in the social hierarchy they still subconsciously crave the acceptance of a strong, higher status male. They need his strength, dominance, logic, stoicism and ability to survive. No matter how fucking ‘hot’ she is, their hind-brains will go crazy at the sense of a strong, dominant, higher status male. For far too long they were dead without one. Even if he's a bit of a jerk, they still don't want to risk losing him.

If you’re a man, start acting like it. The pill is a slow, time-released bomb in reclaiming your masculinity and adjusting your thinking and behaviour to match.The thing is, as dependent as women are on a strong, higher status male, females are cunning. In a world of ‘equality’, more self sufficiency, less war, less ‘tribes’, unearthing a strong ‘Alpha’ male is harder.

Women will challenge, shit-test and take their time to submit. Their lives depend on it. There are betas faking alpha, insecure dudes putting on a mask, fake cocky. Trust me, if she’s highly attractive she’s seen them all and had her lizard brain spidey sense become accustomed to exposing the fakes.    

There is a plethora of posers, bullshitters and fakers. Don’t forget that the number one defining difference between a beta and Alpha male, is a beta is driven by seeking acceptance and approval from a person or group he thinks is higher status than him. In Red Pill sense, the beta male seeks the approval and acceptance of the female tribe.

The Alpha does what he wants, he seeks only acceptance and approval from himself

Beta males have been highly conned. Society and marketing has played on a Beta’s desire for approval and acceptance by convincing him that he can ‘buy’ the acceptance and approval of the female tribe. He is the dumb fuck who thinks buying a house, wearing a Rolex, getting the most expensive car, wearing designer clothes alone will assure him high status. He throws money at women, offers to be their provider, their sugar daddy, buys them gifts. All to wonder why he is constantly chasing and losing. Why can’t he buy his way into the female tribe? Didn’t the advertising promise him women suck his dick for a gift?

A woman can smell a beta. She sees that everything he’s doing is because he wants approval and acceptance of the other tribe. It’s fake high status. Fake worth. It’s why a lot of guys on AskTRP complain that ‘I lift and I buy nice clothes, I have a mad haircut and higher salary. Why do I get no women while John Doe slays’? These ‘beta faking Alpha’ make up 95% of ASKtrp. Doing EVERYTHING in order to gain women’s acceptance and approval.

The thing is this age of materialism, huge earning, ‘fake beta acting alpha’ shit is really only a hundred years or so old. Evolutionary psychology, societal hierarachy, tribal survival is thousands of years in the making.

Women and strong Alpha males know that a strong, higher status man is identified through his behaviour, his emotional world and his attitude. His frame.

Women will test. They will try to piss you off, not do what you want and ask you to buy things, hold things, and do things for them. They will show you and talk about other men who hit on them. They will appear like they don’t accept, approve or validate you. The shit-test.

If you give a fuck about her approval. If you are moved, reactive or worry what she thinks, you lose. Doesn’t matter how much fucking money or materials or whatever you have. You’re a beta. You care what an inherently lower status gender thinks of you. You are emotionally affected when she doesn’t fully accept you.

A beta may get pissed off and try to win her back, tell her all about his feelings. In the light of societal hierarchy you’ve shown her she’s higher status than you. Remember, all women crave a strong male of higher status than her.

How to win? YOU don’t EVER need the acceptance or approval of anybody. You do not need the acceptance or approval of the female tribe. Internalise and integrate your place in the hierarchy. You are bigger, stronger, smarter, more logical, more capable of defending yourself and of taking on the world than her. Where humans are trying to survive, all those traits are a little better than aging physical beauty, aren’t they? She’s only good for sex. She’s only good for trying to win YOUR approval.You certainly don’t need to buy the appearance of status, and you never ever try to buy your way into another tribe. She gets the time and attention of the strongest male. Your strength, your stoicism, your leadership. Her life depends on it.

In a world where tribal warfare is no longer common, how to show your strength can be more complex. As Woujo has stated it’s about your emotions, your reality and your purpose.

Emotionally she cannot break you. Indifference game. She’s a five year old trying to see if you give a fuck about what a five year old does. Stop being a whiny faggot, emotionally invested in whether your oneities likes you or not. Stop being angry. Stop searching the net for more bullshit to post on TRP about ‘how bad the wiminz are’. Stop being a whiny beta fag, all emotional because A LOWER STATUS GENDER'S TRIBE won’t give you unconditional acceptance.

Your reality never breaks. You are the shit. You are higher than her, above her, her leader and her father. You have an abundance of women who would crave your masculinity. Anything she does to test you? Well amused mastery is a bitch sweetheart.

Purpose. She can never knock you off it.

Learn how to laughingly and condescendingly point out her bad behaviour. Remember, they will test by feigning that they do not accept, approve or validate you. ALWAYS remember that by anything she does to subtly reject you, she is really rejecting herself. Never bitch, cry or come from emotion. With amused mastery, tell her how she isn’t doing herself any favours. If she fails to win the acceptance and approval of you, the stronger and higher status male, it’s her reality, emotions and purpose that is affected. Not yours. You are the unaffected parent teaching the five year old how she is threatening her exclusion from the tribe.

There are ways to put these truths and understandings into direct game behaviours. Some of those I will begin to write more on specifically, and give my direct experiences.

I wanted to begin my next series of writings by giving an intro into how I view hierarchy and it’s application to frame and game.