A few days ago, I made a post where I linked a post of a podcast where women spoke about their problems with fucking guys. I knew before posting that it was going to create a lot of controversy, and it did. People thought I was new to TRP, that I was a woman trying to enforce their views, or I was falling back to my blue pill habits. I won't lie, like all of us here I still have my little blue pill habits like breaking frame at extreme or very new situations but that is life and failure is not a bad thing, forcing yourself into these environments is what essentially creates that frame which is nearly unbreakable.

What I want to write to you about today is about thinking for yourself and perspectives. The reason my post was deleted, and also my concurrent post where I talked about "benevolence", was because this subreddit is not for things that require for you to very critically think and to have the ability to have your frame be broken back to blue pill habits. If you are scared that you will fall back into your old blue pill habits from watching a bunch of girls speak, you definetly need to strengthen your frame and how do you strengthen it? By putting yourself into situations where your frame is able to be broken.

I have been here for about 4 years now, lurking and reading posts daily. I started out as a very blue pill guy like most of you, but with hard work I was able to develop and master some of these red pill concepts. But it came with some negatives. I didn't listen to people when it was actually in my best interest, I had multiple girls try to accuse me of rape, and the only reason they weren't because I showed them recordings in my phone which I recorded right after the sex where I questioned them about if it was rape or not. This gave me some clarity that I actually NEED to listen to other people, place their words thru a filter in my brain which decided if there was anything good and implement the changes in my actions without mentioning the other person.

Why I'm advocating exposing yourself to female content, like subreddits where they discuss Female dating strategy is because life is about perspectives. Blue pill is one perspective, red pill is one perspective, your ego is one, your higher self is one and also the other participant is one. There are countless of more perspectives from where to look at things and they will inflict your decision making. When you allow yourself to observe these other perspectives for what they are and not let your ego consume them into you, you will be able to make your decisions from all of these perspectives which you have higher understanding, from all of that exposure and have a higher chance of success in anything you do.

Being an alpha is essentially about being a leader. These traits that are listed here are just traits a leader, a king has. A good king will always have courtiers and advisers, (like Laws of Power states) that give them outside perspectives to difficult choices. Now, you aren't in a position to do that since you probably don't have people who constantly want to spend time with you just to absorb your energy. But what you do have is the internet, where a countless number of people upload content of them talking about everything. What you now need to do is not just observe it in a haze of "Content devouring mode", rather observe it critically, not letting your ego get attached to it. Note the things that sound wise and disregard the things that sound like bs.

I totally understand why this advice is not very good for this subreddit, because majority of people really lack the ability to think for themselves. I'm not saying I am somehow better, I also lack the ability think for myself often, but I acknowledge it. You could be really fucking stupid and still be a "Red pilled guy". They found out this subreddit when their filters were open, from a breakup or another dramatic incident in their life. Now, when they have recovered some power in their life there is no such state of distress in their lives and they have closed their filters in their brains for new opinions. What I want is, keep your filters open. Keep your eyes open, observe life and soak everything like a sponge through this filter and implement everything the filter lets through. Your filter may be faulty at start but do not worry, the more information you consume your filter will adjust and be more precise detecting what information is and isn't bullshit. Don't just take the first opinion and assume it is correct.