/u/mallardcove had a good breakdown recently on the aesthetic consequences of alcohol use. It was a good piece, and generated good discussion with not a little hamstering.

I have two paradigms about alcohol in my life that I want to share, one regarding the more normal horrid consequences of alcohol abuse, but the other highlighting some additional, lesser thought through consequences that can be debilitating to a man trying to live the Red Pilled life. Yes, this is largely autobiographical, but I know my story, it fits well, and I've been around a little while by now. General conclusions below, from bold down, and this is exactly about male sexual strategy (along with some illustrative failures).

Just about anyone would call me an alcoholic. I prefer drunkard. The second to the last time I drank, it was X-mas Eve, and I polished off a 12 pack of beer & 2 bottles of wine. Last time I drank was last Friday. 2 beers at home, off to the first bar, then the second bar....I think I spent about $150, 15 beers?, no recollection of getting home. And I'm a little dude, under 170#'s. Saturday I never left bed outside of to drink water and promptly barf it back up. Around 7 that night, I was finally able to keep down water....yes, I was poisoned.

So much for the standard narrative, we all know about what I just described.

My much more insidious experience with alcohol is well exemplified by the last 2 years. My last LTR left summer '16, and while I have a long term FB, /u/vengefully_yours correctly diagnosed me as having oneitis for alcohol a long time ago. Absolutely true. It is really hard to overstate how simple life can be as a drunkard, to organize around alcohol.

Never mind the typical health, professional, and financial impacts of drinking, this second part is nearly as bad. I have had experiences that would make good seducers cringe and incels absolutely green with envy. I have had girls simply sit on my lap at the bar without a word (is that an IOI?) How many opportunities a night have I given up? I shudder to even think about it.

But make no mistake, alcohol makes a drunkard feel great every single goddamned time. And therein lies the rub. Daily, Joe Six Pack level drinking makes it nearly impossible, long term, to truly kick ass. Manage? Function? Sure. Hit personal records? Good luck. The booze always makes you feel fine, but you should not feel fine, you should feel hungry.

I realize I'm not breaking new ground here. We all know about dopamine hits. We all know that it is good to be addicted......to solving math problems, hitting on girls, climbing rocks.....and we all know that things like alcohol, weed, video games, porn, and the like hijack those "good addiction circuits" in order to sell us lies.

And trust me, they are lies. Anything you do to satisfy some externally compulsed addiction is exactly service to a lie. I maintain that alcohol is amongst the most effective of the liars.

This post is meant to commiserate with those who have experienced these things and to warn those who have not. The connection to male sexual strategy should be crystal clear. Swilling beer while watching sportsball and wearing another man's name on your back is absolutely and exactly the fake "Blue Pilled World" trying to seduce you back to her warm bosom.

Lastly, "recovery" is emasculating as hell. Just because I can't drink, it doesn't mean I need to prostrate myself before these fools. It's always, always better to do stuff (Iron Church being on the top of the list, drastically helped me) than not do stuff (if you want to stop drinking, sitting around thinking about not drinking is bad, m'kay?)