Divorced or single, I noticed a similar thing, guys looking for a relationship. I have never been the guy who wanted one, the only reason I'm in one now is because the girl I was with never gave me a red flag in over two years. And I remember that one goof in here who got divorced, then a few months later is already looking at his first plate like a replacement for the wife he already didn't want.

I happened into this mindset, almost by accident. I had been spinning plates for just about a decade at that point – I was a late bloomer – and had seen nothing but disaster in the vast majority of relationships around me. Parents, friends, co-workers. I was just old enough to see the first round of divorces among guys my age. Man it happens young. As I started telling the story, I was getting the stories of other guys in the red pill, the one that comes to mind was /u/UEMMcgill, another red pill moderator who had the same experience. A few others afterwards came out, and so I ran with the idea.

You can only be open to having a relationship, but the onus is on her to convince you it’s worth it. I wish I could recall, I'm positive there's a Whisper post on this as well, but from a different angle.

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