Intro This is my first post on trp since I found it 2 years ago. I feel like I haven't been able to contribute anything of use that other people haven't already done. Until now. Congruency is discussed more amongst the pua crowd but - as you're about to see - this shit is actually much more of a red-pilled core concept than a facet of "game". And that's why we're here after all isn't it? Enjoy.

Body Firstly, I have some fucking important advice for you all. As a callow young student of trp, you turn from a blue pilled beta to a blue pilled beta who now understands the true reality of intersexual dynamics. This statement is crucially important because you have to realise that if you do decide to adopt a red-pilled frame in your interactions with women, you are actually setting yourself up for shit you are decidedly not ready for. What I mean is that you may show flashes of redpill brilliance, but you have no idea what this means to a woman. She will see your "rock-solid" frame and amused mastery and be biologically prompted to test you. Hard. This is because anyone can imitate high value behaviour to some degree, and there's nothing women feel more disgusted by than being tricked into receiving your shitty low value seed. That's why our society (women especially) react so badly to rape: Briffault's Law (read the sidebar silly) is bypassed when a woman is raped since she has no control over whose seed she has received. This is egregious beyond belief for her evolutionary prospects hence the complete and utter repulsion. The same repulsion is felt when a woman realises you are not congruent with your red-pilled rock solid frame, and have been deceiving her in hopes of ensorcelling her into reproduction. I made this mistake for years because I was in denial about certain aspects of my frame that were still weak, hoping my "strong points" would overcome this. I was wrong. I wasn't congruent.

What exactly is congruency? Congruency is a pua term which describes how consistent you are with being the man you claim to be. A perfect example of this is imagine two guys go into a bar with stupid fuzzy hats on. One guy is a beta, the other an alpha who is congruent to fuck. Obviously since these hats are so stupid they start to get a lot of attention from people in the bar. A hot HB8 comes up to the beta and starts abusing his weird fuzzy hat - quite viciously. The beta now feels ashamed and insecure. He rushes home to change but by the time he gets back he sees something that renders him speechless: the same HB8 is dancing and grinding on the alpha who even still has the stupid hat on. "What the fuck?" he thinks to himself. "This guy is smaller than me, he's dressed like shit and he's wearing the same hat that the HB8 said was flagitiously shit just 20 mins ago?!" Now why did this happen? Congruency is the answer. Wearing something like a fuzzy hat has the potential to make you seem very attractive. It's called peacocking. It tells a girl that you have so much social value and rock-solid frame that you can deal with any of the social pressures that come along with looking weird as fuck. So when our HB8 approached the beta she was testing how congruent he is with the alpha personality he's portraying. When he ran home - scared and insecure - you could've probably heard her flaps snapping shut in utter contempt of the duplicitous beta.

The alpha of course is congruent as fuck so when the same HB8 came up to him looking for trouble he just dismissed her with amused mastery and aloofness which is - of course - congruent to the peacocking ostentatious persona he is showing off for all to admire.

So basically congruency is your ability to be consistent with your redpill behaviours and frame. And this covers so many areas. If you prefer the James Bond approach when talking to girls that's great. She will be attracted to you. But if she ever happens to see you flustered and jabbering in a time of crisis, you're not being congruent to that cool James Bond vibe you had going on beforehand. And trust me, this shit is important. Be congruent.

Conclusion This little tale is just a metaphor for real life sexual success: by "acting" red pilled as a beginner you do spark some attraction. But at the same time you make yourself vulnerable to attack. You have no idea how few men are red pilled these days. So when you act like one you will stand out immensely. Honestly. You probably underestimate how much being even slightly red pilled can make you a target for intense scrutiny. She wants to know if you're the real deal since barely any guys are behaving like you are. And if your lack of congruency is caught out, you'll be fucked. Girls' reactions to an exposed incongruent beta acting like an alpha is far more severe than your everyday beta. Trust me. I could make a full post about my stories with this but not right now. So my message to you all is work on your congruency before you expect real success with women.