I've been fortunate in my life when it comes to male role models, yet, I haven't followed the example set by them.

My biggest mistake was, at an early age, letting myself get used to quitting.

I'm lucky, and a lot of things come easily to me, and I've been able to coast through life on that fact. It is when something shows just a little bit of difficulty and requires any real effort that I will retreat to the comfort of what comes easy.

School was easy for me but I have a GED because I quit, and didn't continue and even come close to my potential.

The military was physically easy for me, but I decided early that I was getting out, therefore I quit trying to get promoted. Again, not coming close to my potential.

Women have always been easy for me. I'm a smart, funny, good looking guy, who's step-mom taught in middle school. That if I wanted girls to like me, just act like I didn't care. But I haven't had a girlfriend since 2010 because she annoyed me and I quit.

Fitness was a passion, but I let video games become more important, so I quit working out. Was 280 this time last year, at 5'8". (down to 240, getting back in shape.)

I guess the goal of this post, is to stop others from making my mistakes. Man or woman really.

Imagine if I had the foresight to live just a little bit disciplined, and never quit, what my life could have been.

If you never quit and live with discipline. You may just live up to your potential.

If you quit and live without discipline. You likely won't even realize what your potential could be.