Just thought I would share some information with those of you who are interested in wealth building strategies but aren't really sure where to start.

First, I would recommended reading The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason before anything else. It will show you what you can start doing today, with the money you're already making - regardless of how much - in an effort to start "fattening your purse".

Then follow Mike Dillard on Twitter, and check out his website.

Mike was arguably the most successful internet marketer and teacher on the planet before he got out of that and into "wealth building", exclusively. His network of friends includes numerous hundred million and billionaires, which he has interviewed and gotten them to share their own wealth-building strategies and principles (including how to create your own bank).

Again, this is only information. Do with it as you wish. I'm making no promises, and your mileage may vary, etc etc.



Edit - Just personally subscribed to some related subreddits that might interest you: