While reminding that the sidebar applies to you too just like tall and averge height men this post is mostly about style, fitness, frame and women.

Fitness: You should lift and have a low body fat but unlike a taller dude you should avoid excess body fat more because short men have a disadvantage of not being able to get away with body fat as easy as taller men.

Style: Look at Connor McGregor and other short men’s Instagrams. If you check them out you will see what I am saying.

Of course I am not talking about wearing 10.000$ silk suits. I am talking about fit and cut.

Your pants should be slim (not too skinny that it’s painful to get a boner) ad ankle-cut (exposing your ankle). This will make your legs look longer.

Also your tees should be fitting -this applies to men from all heights who don’t have beer bellies- .


Please don’t try to specifically “out alpha” taller dudes. This will break your frame and it would be very hard to fix it.

But I should also warn you because some taller dudes will get butt-hurt if you act alpha and they will try to pick on your height. You should not take it seriously nor try to roast them. Just laugh. Remember you should embrace yourself.

You should not see being short (if you aren’t a midget) as an inferior genetic because it has advantages in wild-life just like tall height. Embrace it.

Women (The most important part):

First of all don’t feel bad when you see girls saying shit about men who are under 6’. Do you really think that they wouldn’t spread their legs for Brad Pitt? (If you think so you are a dumbass).

Don’t approach women who are far taller than you (I am not talking about a couple of inches so you know what I mean.) unless you are VERY ALPHA and want a tall woman next to you in social gatherings for status symbol (Rich short men often have taller wives for status symbol).

Be prepared for shit tests about height because a woman might choose your height if she wants to shit test you.


1) I want to add a personal experience. I have two friends who are at my height, I'm going to call one Chad and the other Mr.Bucks . So Chad is muscular and dresses well while Mr.Bucks is skinny and dresses normal. I have always thought Mr.Bucks is shorter than me and Chad was taller than me but one day I understood that we were all at the same height. So it's not really height that's the point.