Many individuals who are blue pilled also suffer from a sense of anti-intellectualism. You may be aware that you need to lift to improve your body, but you must also improve your mental abilities. Intellectualism is a masculine trait that Hollywood and feminism have made into a farce. Anti-intellectualism is common among blue pilled people who believe that most of our sexual knowledge should come from "common sense". It’s okay to be nerdy.


Intellectualism is a term that, depending on the context, either refers to a certain philosophy of truth or to a pronounced emphasis on rational thinking. Philosophically, intellectualism is the idea that all truth and all morals are questions of pure knowledge, that a person’s will is invariably led by the intellect. In more common usage, intellectualism implies a personality trait of people who greatly prefer rationality and logic to emotions or who routinely engage in high-level thinking.

1. If you want to become Red Pilled and best version of yourself must get rid of anti-intellectual beliefs and practice mental stimulation. Anti-intellectualism is the glorification of mental mediocrity and making fun of intelligence in favor of so-called "common sense" or “street smarts”. Just like you lift to change your body, you need mental stimulation to challenge your mind. Don't fall for that blue pill belief that doing mentally stimulating hobbies is "uncool" or for losers. They may not attract the opposite sex but they will help you grow. It's alright to be a nerd or a geek, the reason its unpopular is because Hollywood media makes it seem unpopular because they would lose money. Realize that sexual strategy can be learned and it is not "common sense" to know how to attract women. Finally, intellectualism is a masculine trait that has been forgotten in the modern era. In America and in many parts of the western world being perceived as a "nerd" or "geek" has a negative reputation and are stereotyped as persons who are socially awkward and losers. For many minorities like African Americans and Latinos speaking well and perusing higher education is seen as “acting white”. Most blue pilled people believe that you were born with the natural ability to be “book smart” or street smart”. Another aspect of anti-intellectualism is that concept that certain hobbies like reading nonfiction books and self-improvement are “weird” or “uncool” because few people do them.

Nerds and Mental Stimulation

2. To be red pilled is to be comfortable doing activities that might be nerdy. You need mental stimulation to grow as a person. . In the book "Curse of the High IQ" by Aaron Clarey, Clarey describes having high intelligence as a gift and a curse. High intelligence is a curse because if your IQ is 115, (base IQ is 100), then the number of people at your intellectual level is about 13.6% or roughly 1/7 people. If your IQ is 130 then only 2.1% of people are at your own intellectual level or 1/50 people. These make it extra hard to make friendships with people who are less intelligent than you. An extra curse is that 1/3 of the population has an IQ between 85 to 100. Having an IQ of 115 and trying to plate a girl with an IQ of 85 is a 30 point difference! This is the equivalent of an adult talking to a six grader! I suspect the reason that one of the red pill theories to treat women like children is because 2/3 of them may feel like you are having a conversation with a ten year old. Having a higher IQ leads to a higher chance to overanalyze women's action when the truth is that their moods and irrationality are spontaneous and have no pattern.

The red pill encourages you to Lift to have big muscles and have greater masculinity. You must also have mental stimulation and pursue a technological, mathematical, creative, or scientific hobby. Some of these hobbies may not be attractive to the opposite sex and that's okay. Depression and boredom is a severe need to challenge your mind. Intellectualism is a masculine trait even if the blue pilled Hollywood media classifies it as "uncool" or "awkward". A red pill is that if you have higher than average intelligence most people are secretly envious of you. Here at the Red Pill we sometimes see others complaining of "reading a novel" when someone makes a large post. They and their ADHD can fuck off. Most men have an attention deficit because they have not been mentally stimulated at all in their lives. This is the physical equivalent to a fatass who complains he is tired from bicep curling the 20 lb. dumbbell.

Mental stimulation is an accelerant for self improvement, the extra fuel that causes a bigger mental fire. Mental stimulation can be meditation, reading nonfiction books, digital art, programming, watching educational books, and even playing complex 4x space games across a galaxy. It helps create new brain matter and helps improve concentration, memory, and calculations. The average person doesn't have the discipline or intelligence to follow these mental hobbies so they label them as "lame". The typical person worldview is a sense of Solipsism where they orbit their phone all day to check on social media. Their day consists of waiting for other people to send those memes, gossip, or cute pics. They spend their attention on mental junk food instead of quality mental stimulation. The reason mental stimulation is not popular is because of Hollywood media.

Hollywood Encourages Anti-Intellectualism

3. To be red pilled you must accept that most of the mainstream media encourages anti-intellectualism to keep you brainwashed to accept their version of what’s popular. Hollywood creates a blue pilled hive mind.

Many of us have noticed that movies, television, and music have strong blue pilled messages. The reason Hollywood and the media encourage this is to distract you. The purpose of Hollywood is to encourage a hive mind so that they can sell you stuff. Consumer culture relies on selling to the most common denominator; which is average intelligence people. People will buy things if they are brainwashed to believe that most people buy them as well. People put a value on what’s popular, its human nature. If most people have the same beliefs then they are easier to sell too. Keep them thinking the same and they will be most agreeable to like your products. Anti-intellectualism thinking is what currently "normal because it’s the path of least mental resistance. Why read or learn when it's not to get a grade? Why do i need "book smarts" if it doesn't matter in the real world? My friends will think I watch videos on computer science because it’s not “lit” [cool]. The red pill is that if would you would rather self-improve them go on social media, follow sports, or listen to popular music then Hollywood loses money. Mentally stimulating activities are not popular because most people don't do them. If more people spent time doing Programming instead of watching NFL then cable companies would lose money.

Rappers with third grade vocabulary have the greatest hits on the radio. Their fans chant their lyrics in Snapchat videos to be seen as cool. Women use social media and post one of the three hundred pictures they took to get likes. Most men are obsessed with watching television and have a tribal mentality with their sports teams with the ritual of sitting at the couch to "watch the game". They wear sports jerseys with another man's name and get upset because the athletes didn't put a ball in a circle or took it past a line on a grass. Finally, as a crime of fashion many people wear logos and brands on their shirts to appear cool. They actually pay money to be walking billboards so other people think they are cool. The reason all those activities are common in society is that most of those people are in a hive mind. People are encouraged to like the same music, follow the same fashion trends, and have the same conversations. It helps keep the population under control by distraction and spectatorism. It's similar to the "Bread and Circuses" policy of Ancient Rome that kept the population happy with free bread and gladiator fights. Hollywood media is designed to get you distracted.

The hive mind is especially strong in African American and Latino communities and accuses those who follow intellectual pursuits as "acting white". I am a first generation Latino here in California, and most Latino men drink alcohol on the weekends and follow sports. If you don't drink alcohol, have no interest in sports, love Trump's America, and speak five syllable words you are seen as acting white. For African Americans if they want to go to University or leave the ghetto they are seen as becoming "whitewashed". This is the hive mind in play. Anti-intellectualism keeps everyone on the same level. If you are smarter than others then the crab bucket mentality of the community makes fun of you for "acting white".

Anti-Intellectualism and Getting Laid

4. To be red pilled you must accept that sexual strategy is a skill that can be learned. Here at the redpill a few of us had the crazy idea to intellectualize sexual strategy in order to get maximum results. One of the most common experiences most of us here in TRP have is that we went to the internet and searched how to improve our Sexual Market Value. The Blue pill encourages anti-intellectualism in getting laid by giving the perception that it takes "street smarts" or "common sense" to get laid. A person that learns how to get laid is seen as a "nerd" because those in Blue Pill land believe all it takes is money, get her drunk, and confidence. If we told most people in our lives that you read articles and watch videos on how to get pussy they would laugh. Blue pillers accept anti-intellectualism because they want to live in fantasy land. Intellectualizing sexual strategy means that the concept of love is a series of social chess moves. The truth is that it actually is.

The common denominator mantra that they will tell us to "be ourselves" or to "keep trying bro". Some of them might be brazen enough to tell us to "stay in our own league" and fuck Becky the 4/10 pig. They have no concept of sexual tension, approaching, escalation, or push/pull. Most guys believe that to get women you have to things that are "common sense" like wearing $200 shoes, get money, and pamper them with attention. We recognize oneitis a mental disease, but to most blue pilled people they see it as "falling in love" or "meeting your soulmate". If you tell the average blue pilled buddy that they have oneitis and show them an article explaining the concept you will be seen as a nerd. If most of us accepted the blue pill narrative that sex and dating is "common sense" instead of intellectualizing it we would have been in trouble.

It would be a nightmare for most women if men learned how to improve their Sexual Market Value and learned their true hypergamous nature. A sexual apocalypse for women because they would have increased competition between themselves. If most men realized that sexual strategy can be learned they would not pay attention to 4/10 Becky who is a single mother, obese, and her furbabies are her life. Anti-Intellectualism encourages men to see women as "mysterious" who speak in womenese and are vague in their body language. It encourages the notion that women are smarter than men because they have a hidden talent to discover bullshit. What we know are shit tests most men see as "she is mad for a reason". AskTRP is full of threads asking for a clarification for "What did she mean when she said...". The reason this is happening is that in Bluepill land we treat what say as some sort of Enigma code that "common sense" should decipher. In Red Pill world we understand that many of the things women say are because of her mood. Actions not words.

Intellectualism and Masculinity

5. Intellectualism is a forgotten masculine trait. Mental stimulation is a defense against mediocrity.

In most of human history the scientists, inventors, and philosophers were seen as role models of masculinity. Mentally stimulating hobbies were the domain of men. It was in the 19th century that the blossoming of higher education for women really started to accelerate around the world with Russia leading the campaign. I am happy that more women have access to higher learning, but in 2018 boys are falling behind. Because of feminism girls are given the "divine right" to be intellectuals while the males are shamed for being nerdy. The "fix it yourself" attitude of home improvement that was taught from father to son is also disappearing. Curiosity and acquiring knowledge should be traits that are welcomed in men. In my Latino culture, it is customary for the oldest son to get a warehouse job and let the daughter go to college. "The men must work, and the women can go to school" are a common belief in Latin American cultures. Anti-Intellectualism leads to mediocrity and laziness, while mental stimulation leads to success.

In most high schools the smartest kids are either segregated into Advanced Placement classes and many of the smartest males are bullied. Hollywood media has dozens of movies that feature a jock [athlete] picking on the male nerds. The red pill is that most jocks plateau in their early 20s, while the male nerds have the highest jobs. Most modern middle and high schools follow the Prussian model of education that was designed to teach obedience, compliance, and social hierarchy. The pace of learning is designed to help the dumbest students have the same learning opportunity as the smartest. Most people hate learning because they equate it to the slow and boring experience they suffered in public school. The reality is that thanks to the Internet learning can be fun and rewarding. You don't need society's permission to do nerdy things.

Most males are average or low intelligence only rely on strength or bravado to impose dominance. They see mentally stimulating hobbies as feminine because a man needs to sacrifice himself for the family. A man must be physically strong and confident and intelligent activities are optional. If you talk to most blue collar workers who have physically demanding jobs they will tell you those office workers that command them are "girly men" who don't have real jobs. Most blue pilled men will tell you that women are smarter than men. Teachers encourage females to pursue college and mentally stimulating hobbies because they are seen as more mature. Young men are seen are more disposable and should find a job instead of going to school. Most colleges have a 65% female to male ratio because boys are taught that being intelligent and getting As in class is not as manly as being the strongest or fastest.

Thanks to feminism a lot of men are lost intellectuality. They feel that women are smarter than them and have a hidden ability to do better in the classroom. They have no desire to learn how to program or pursuit nerdy activities because they don't attract the opposite sex. Thanks to the Hollywood hive mind it makes it harder for men to locate other men to talk about intellectual topics. Think about the conversations you have with women, are any of them mentally stimulating? Some men post on ASkTRP that they don't feel like chasing women and wonder why. The reason is that they're in Monk Mode and have acquired mental stimulation. A woman is good for fucking but her conversations are lackluster. If you want to be masculine you must embrace a love for learning and you must challenge your mind.

Final Thoughts

As a male you need mental stimulation. You need to challenge your mind to become the best version of yourself. The Hollywood media will brainwash you to believe that if something is nerdy it is uncool. They tell you this because they lose money if you practice hobbies that are not popular. If you have above average intelligence then you need to realize it will be harder to find people at your level. Challenge your mind with mentally stimulating activities just like you lift to improve your physical fitness. Who gives a fuck if its nerdy.