Early on in our relationship I mentioned to my LTR that I enjoyed a woman who cooks for her man. Not thinking much of the statement I continued on with things as normal. Two days later out of the blue she messages me to come over, as she's got a surprise for me. I arrive at her place to a candle lit, cooked dinner with a bottle wine. My mind immediately snapped back to our conversation we had two days earlier. I took note of this and have been employing this form of communication to some degree ever since.

For a man to derive any joy from a relationship he has to be able to influence the way his woman treats him. His likes and dislikes, his wants and desires. Inter-relationship dynamics often play a role as there's many subtleties one needs to navigate in order to get the message across effectively. Certain Opportunities arise in conversation to influence your woman’s thinking in such a way.

One such way of influencing this is Subliminal Influence

This is a way of subtlety conveying or working an idea, like or dislike into a conversation without directly mentioning said idea,like or dislike.

It's common knowledge that you can't negotiate attraction and therefore what she does, but you can influence it. With Subliminal Influence you take the focus off your partner, therefore mitigating the stonewall emotional response they would usually give. It places the focus on someone else/elsewhere, allowing them to remove themselves from the situation and absorb the information easier.

This can also be used to set and enforce boundaries, ultimately conditioning your partners mind to know what you enjoy and what you will not tolerate. Further on from this it can be used to communicate consequences/rewards for certain actions.

A woman who is attracted or respects you is always looking to please you or make you happy in some form or another. Subliminal Influence is offering her the solution to that problem without having to tell her to do it.

This is not something you go out of your way to do, simply when the opportunity arises in conversation, you provide them with a real life example of how you would respond to certain things, or state your likes and dislikes.

Subliminal Influence can be used for:


Conveying things you enjoy or would like to do. Asking for it is a form of negotiating attraction and diminishes her desire to want to do it for you. Actions are best enjoyed when they are genuinely given out of desire. For example.

I love a woman who cooks for her man

I love it when a woman gives me a massage

I like blowjobs in the car

You're not directly telling or asking for any of the above, but you are planting a seed. Woman pay far more attention to details like this than you'd think. Ever wonder how a woman can recall information from 2 years ago that you made in casual passing that was erased from your memory 30 seconds later?


Conveying dislikes subliminally is a simple way to set boundaries. A woman should know whats acceptable in a relationship and what's not but the majority of girls are growing up in feminized society, disillusioned by whats acceptable and whats not acceptable in a relationship. This is a great way to lay it out upfront.

I don't like woman who seek a lot of attention

I don't like woman with lots of guy friends

I don't like girls who party all the time.

Personally I've found this to be the most effective way of communicating dislikes. Imagine this in contrast to saying

I don't want you to have lots of guy friends.

I don't want you to go out partying

Which comes across at clingy and mate guarding. In my entire LTR I haven't had to directly tell her to not do anything. I've subliminally conveyed my boundaries and as long as she respects me she will bank it and respect it.


There's certain behaviors that require strong action. It's healthier for her to know upfront what these behaviors are and what the consequences are for going over the line. Many times conversations will come up about her friends or families behavior and I'll use it as an opportunity to let her know how I would react should she behave that way.

A friend who flirts with other guys. Yeah If I was her boyfriend I would have broken up with her on the spot.

A girl who goes and gets hammered on girls night. I couldn't be with someone like that, I'd leave her.

A woman who is moody all the time. I wouldn't be with someone like that who is so incessantly moody.

Once again the benefit here is that the focus is not on your partner it's on other people, so she's able to unemotionally register the information and the consequences you're conveying. Obviously you have to stick to the stated consequences or you'll be digging a hole for yourself.

Working these subtle little messages into conversations is a simple yet effective method of influence, however only effective if she respects you and desires your attraction. I'm not going to delve into how to obtain that there's enough content on here. Molding her thinking and knowledge of your likes, dislikes and consequences will allow her to better participate in your relationship, whilst also allowing you to derive more joy and less uphill.
