TL;DR - Birth control can affect the type of man a woman is attracted to. Be prepared if she starts/stops taking it while dating you.

I had an interesting conversation last night with a plate. She is a milf with two kids divorced a few years ago. She was telling me how her attraction to her (ex) husband faded almost immediately after she stopped taking birth control. They had a couple of kids shortly after but only remained together until the kids were just old enough that she could care for them on her own. She said at that point not only was she not sexually attracted to him but that she was a bit repulsed and had to end it. Now she goes after extremely alpha types like she used to be attracted to before getting on birth control.

We all know how women tend to prefer masculine traits during ovulation but what I didn't realize (and most probably don't either) is that an ongoing hormone treatment like birth control can essentially rewire a woman's brain to prefer provider traits (blue pill) but once she stops taking those hormones she would essentially become a different person with a completely different attraction level.

That conversation was very enlightening to hear directly from a woman's perspective. It just goes to show you how much hormones really do affect the female brain and how important it is to be aware of these factors.